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Twinkles of the stars shone into the sky and the cool breeze passed by them as they stood into the rooftop, next to each other.

There were other students as well, unlike the last time when the seven boys were all alone. Well, it could have been worst. There were only ten other students or something, excluding them.

"I just wanted some peace without them motherfuckers." Jimin grumbled, looking at the ten students who were talking to each other. He then heard a chuckle so he looked over Taehyung.

"I mean we can always push 'em off the roof and get this place all for ourselves." Taehyung scoffed, drinking his orange juice while the other boys were drinking alcohol or something. (Except for Yoongi who was drinking the blood of an animal-) Taehyung didn't like the taste of alcohol.

"Yeah, so that the police and the superheroes can arrest us later." Jin gritted out, leaning against the railings a little and looked away.

"You do deserve to go to jail for always being a bitch." Jungkook snapped, a little drunk. Jin rolled his eyes, wanting to channel a fist on Jungkook's face.

"Whatever. Stop fighting." Yoongi grumbled but then started to laugh hysterically, catching everyone in the rooftop off guard.

"What's so funny?" Hoseok asked, putting the empty can of beer down and picked a new one.

Yoongi continued to laugh. "Just remembered how weird Jungkook's friend was back when we were eating dinner. Dude was wearing a mask and sunglasses at night." Yoongi poured out, his lips curled into a gummy smile.

"Not gonna lie, that was weird," Jimin commented, his eyes half-closed as he stared at Jungkook. "Where is he now? And where did you even get that thing from- he's literally the definition of weirdness." Jimin said, leaning against Hoseok's shoulder a little. "He didn't even eat anything, instead he sat there like a statue." Jimin continued, his lips forming into a small pout.

"Drunk Jimin is cute." Yoongi let out and then bit his tongue when he heard soft snores from Jimin. Hoseok put his hand around Jimin's waist to keep him still.

"They're poly. I'm telling you!" Taehyung gushed out, looking at Jin, who exhaled out a deep breath and nodded.

"So, guys." Namjoon started, his eyes darker than the dark night as he looked over the six boys. Hoseok was shaking Jimin all frantically to wake Jimin up, but instead, he received a loud snort. "I've been thinking about this for a few hours now." Namjoon continued, dropping the empty can on the ground. "Now I finally came to this conclusion that Ta-"

"Hey, Taehyung!" The seven boys turned around and spotted Kael. "Hey," Taehyung said, his face blank and grimaced.

"Can we talk privately?" Kael continued and then smiled a little when they received a small hum from Taehyung. "My room then, I suppose?" Kael questioned sweetly and Taehyung nodded. "Alright. Let's go then." Kael said and then started to walk.

Taehyung looked at the others, who seemed really confused as him before he started to follow Kael and they went to Kael's room.

"What did you want to talk about?" Taehyung asked as he saw Kael closing the door shut and leaned again it, breathing heavily. "I just wanted to apologize." They said and sauntered closer to Taehyung.

"Apologize?" Taehyung repeated and then pursed his lips together when Kael let out a small hum.

"Back in the first year, I always felt superior, unique- special because of my trait and always looked down at you because you don't have a trait." Kael started, scratching the back of their neck. "And never even cared when you tried to say what makes people special is their personalities and themselves, not the traits or our ranks." They exhaled out.

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