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After 2 hours or about so, Taehyung found himself in a place that seemed like a factory and there were some other people- women?? Too- like- what the FUCK- they mistook and abducted Taehyung for a woman??? Like- WHAT.

Taehyung felt a hand on his crotch, that made him want to kick whoever it was on the face but he pretended to be unconscious instead.

"It's a guy."

"A very well sized one, actually-"

"Put him with the other six then. He's still useful for us."

And then Taehyung felt some people lifting him up. Taehyung sneaked his eyes open a little and saw the other six in a freaking prison??? Taehyung blinked a little and watched some dude opening the gate and then placed Taehyung within it as well.

The gate locked and the men walked away and Taehyung scratched the back of his neck, thinking how to wake them up. So he just simply threw water on their faces and watched them open their eyes slowly.

"Who am I?" Jimin asked, looking around with eyes half-closed.

"Damn. Taehyung got all of us wet."

"That sounded awkward."

"I don't CARE. What's GOING ON!"

"Scanning our surroundings and the events that occurred earlier AND that there's a Taehyung looking at us completely concerned, arranging hypotheses and recalls into words, I can ensure you guys that WE! ARE! FUCKING! KIDNAPPED!"

"So that means I can't watch the new episode of Xhrispismisbis season 73?"

"No, you can't watch it. Unless we find a way to get out of there which I doubt is gonna be easy since we are stupid as fuck, especially Jungkook who sucked dicks while I was dying- not once, but five fucking times."

"Guys, the strongest creature in the whole universe is literally right here-"

"We don't talk about that. I was stupid, immature and young. Now I'm a responsible citizen who is too young to die but also wants some fun in his life."

"Jesus. All of you shut up! Hoseok is saying something right here."

"Whipped. I'm feeling like a third wheeler. Heart been broken so fucking many times I don't know who to trust anymore. Can you all just find me a man who can dick me down already."

"Guys, we can just get out of here whenever we want. Calm down-"

"Ew, Jin. Never thought you're so horny."

"Says the one who has lust as a trait. Fuck you, stupid headass."

"I've never been so disrespected before! I hope the gang kills you."

"What do you mean to kill me? Don't you know the asshole dies always first."

"I just realized I'm the thickest out of y'all."

"Please, listen to me. I'm beggin' y'all- sweet Jesus!"

"Jimin, no need to rub that you have two bubbles as your butt. We have eyes."

"Why the fuck are the best friends here the ones with the biggest dick and the plushiest ass? You all, like, destined or some shit???"

"I'm seriously going kill you all and then kill myself- GUYS- listen what I'm trying to say."

"Okay but like, we all already saw Taehyung's dick by now and no one is gonna ask how the fuck did he harvest that monstrous rocket right there. Because that's not very common. And not normal at all."

"Why the hell am I even here again."

"I think the transformation part of him? It would make sense since, with the transformation, he's able to do anything he wants with every single inch of his body and also is able to change his size- and that includes his dick as well."

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