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Everyone in the field looked at the scene before them. Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseok had their eyes ten-sized and their breaths had become raggy as well- unable to form a coherent sentence.

"W-what's that?" Some students from the crowd asked, seeing the black stinky thingy disappearing and a black and gold light, followed by smoke appeared.

"Taehyung?" Jin asked, eyes wide and mouth agape as he focused on the boy before him, he seemed as confused as everyone else, like, what the fuck-

"A-are you okay?" Rain cried out, her eyes big when Taehyung looked at her, his eyes filled with confusion and questions.

"What happened!" Celine and the principal shouted, jogging inside the field, followed by Keyboard Smash, who went to call the two.

"S-something black swallowed Taehyung and now it disappeared?" Jimin replied, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"H-he what?" The principal asked, eyes and scooted closer to Taehyung and stood near. The principal oddly seemed ecstatic??? "H-how do you feel-" the principal asked and then squeaked when Taehyung looked at him with his glowing red eyes. "-V?"

He remained silent for a few seconds, looking at his palm and then curled his hand into a fist and then broke into a small smirk. "Oddly freaky and super sensual." Taehyung grinned, his glowing red eyes shining even brighter.

"It's pleasant to finally see you here." The man continued to smile.

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows a little. "I'm not here to play with you, old man." Taehyung sighed, putting his hand over the man's head and pushed him away.

"I wanna meet that sex addict boy so that I can fulfill all the desires he asked me to do all these days," Taehyung said, looking above, and then suddenly a wormhole appeared right above his head, then he pushed his hand inside.

H-he has the potentiality to create wormholes on his own? If he uses that for destruction then... Rain thought, looking at Taehyung wild-eyed.


"H-hey, Namjoon! There's a f-fucking whole hand grabbing my arm out of nowhere!" Jungkook squeaked out, feeling being dragged into what it seemed like a hole in the air or something.

"What-" Namjoon blinked, looking at the hole where Jungkook was being swallowed into.

Jungkook SCREAMED when he was pulled into it and then gasped when he met with a feral Taehyung, smiling like a sociopath.

Namjoon jumped on the hole as wll and widened his eyes when he saw Taehyung putting his hands around Jungkook's waist and pulled him closer.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" Namjoon shouted, rushing towards the students who kept a very huge distance from Taehyung. And then he looked over Rain, who seemed worried and then at the principal, who seemed crazy and then at Celine and Keyboard Smash, who seemed confused. "WHY THE FUCK IS HE WEARING RIPPED CLOTHES?! DID HE BURN HIMSELF WITH HIS OWN TRAIT!" Namjoon continued shouting, his eyes wide.

"Chill, bruh. He didn't burn his clothes. Taehyung just got a weird stinky shit out of his body and then he started to act like some horny asshole and yeah- just chill." Jackson stated.

"I don't understand what's going on," Jimin said, voice small. "But I hope he's just doing fine..." Jimin continued, squinting his eyes.

"All of you, get out of here!" Rain spat, earning concerned glares from the others. "It doesn't seem like Taehyung is the right state of his mind. He might do anything right now. It's better for you guys if you stay away from him!" She snapped, trying to examine the situation and she indeed had a pretty good guess of what maybe was going on right now.

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