Chapter : 38

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I was back in the hall room

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I was back in the hall room. But the sourounding has changed, unlike before the room was bright with moonlight, the lifeless tree was standing tall and it's leaves were full of life, sparkle, twinkling like the stars under the moonlight. Now that I notice, it was quite a large room. The floor was designed with marble, a big magical circle was drawn in the center. It was much complicated and massy, like it was made in a hurry.

"Hmm, looks like a revamp circle and a high quality one at that, but it's been roughly done," from my left side Von said looking at the floor. "And where have you been?" I asked playfully.

Confused von spoke, "I do not know. The moment you stepped in, I was cut off. What happened here? Why is this tree over here?"

'cut off? Does that mean, she does not know of my visit to their past?' thinking that I ask, "do you know this tree?"
"Mmh hmm", nodding her head she continues, "it is the tree of the border, of the mystic realm. It can not be grown into the human world's. So how is it here?"

I was standing near the circle line when instantly a dark smoke came before my eyes, making a strong wind gesture. Darkness was right before my eyes, her eyes bore into mine. She was right outside of the circle, as soon as she speaks, my ears hurt, her voice was high-pitched, orotund. "Like always you took what was suppose to be mine. She was mine, to be my host. Why can not you just be? Why snatch whats mine? This time, I will take her. Phoenix, she belongs to me."

The surrounding became cold, yet I could feel my sweat runs down from my nape. She kept talking even though I do not know what she meant. But she gave no heed to my words, as if I do not exists there, like she was talking to someone else. "I will take back what was mine," saying that she wane into the dark.
When the room became clear I saw Von was on guard towards the direction darkness went.

In quvering voice, sottoly I ask, "Von" she looked at me with worrisome eyes, "what does she speak of?"
Gently laced with guilt she say, "Arya, trust me." Without a word I left the room, as I came out, I saw the lady before still standing at the door front. Seeing me she was shocked. I suppose she did not expect me to come out.

"Is it that shocking?" At my question Julianna flinched. "Given your reaction I suppose it is," a deep sighs left my lips.
Dulcet tones in her voice when she says looking at my hand, "There were many, who claimed to be the phoenix, so I let in. But none came out." She look at me and continues, "I presume, the phoenix has finally rose. Come walk with me."

Keeping some distance we walk side by side as she talk. "Took you two days to come out." "You waited?", I ask playfully. 'Time felt short when I was there. So the time flow is different between past and present. While many years passed there it was only two days on this side. It's not like I did not expect that, time traveling will always have a downside.' Von spoke up from my side, "Not always it is the same. Because of the revamp circle, it took two days. That circle was made centuries ago, but because it was kept away from outsiders,  it's power remain. Had it not for that, I can't even imagine, how long would it have taken you to come back to the present. You were lucky." Von's word left me astound. I look at my side where the elder lady was walking than look at Von. "Do not worrying, she can not hear me. My voice is for you to hear."

Fate : A Twisted Story Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant