Chapter : 28

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Murmur noise lingered in the air, so I tried to raise my eyelids. However, intense light shines, hurting my eyes. I closed them again and tried to agape.

A shadow above my face felt like it was circling in the air. At that moment, I knew she was here, calling out my name.

Observant, I try to open my eyes. A hazy figure was there, slowly becoming visible to see. There she is, levitating in the air before my eyes. Sensing my gaze, she came near me and touched the tip of my nose with its tiny head.

'ah... she is so warm', in a tender smile, the corner of my lips rises.

"Welcome, Arya", she exclaimed her joy, adding she asked in a sweet voice, "You called me; why?"

"I'm scared, Leve. The changes are scary. Why me?" with a sad voice, I express.

"Three questions, remember?" it's eyes convey impair.

"The sword," raising my right hand in the air, gripping in a fist and then loose, again I repeat my actions, "When I held it, the influence I sense. what was that? "

Ostensibly, she might meant to solace me; she rubbed her tiny nose on my cheeks, "The power of the fifth Arya", softly she said.

The moment I heard that answer, I felt cold water was poured on me. My shock is visible to the naked eye.

'what? The fifth? Then what am I?'

"Explain this to me," I demand, horrified by its answer.

"I'm afraid I can't." my request was denied.

"Why?" My tone was quaver; I was desperate.

"Because of the seal. If I say more than allowed, there will be a price to pay." saying that it twirls in the air and takes the shape of a bird. It was like she has embrace the fire itself, burning herself with it yet living within it. A fire so beautiful, it takes away ones breathe, mysteriously charming, powerful so much that would bring down even the huge mountain down beneath it's feet, yet one can not avert their eyes from her. Her feather sparkles as sparks drifting upward, embers glowing, a majestic bird of fire.

"But if you promise to come, I can help. Though this will weaken me, come find me before the third sunrise." she flaps her wings, looking at my eyes, and I nod.

As the white space started to form into an opera where, I found myself seated in the middle row. With joyous melodic music, the show begins. The music is played adagio with very slight dynamic change as the curtains lift. With a voice full of sorrow and suspense, the tale started.

"It was quintuple mass as she came
Embrace by the world
Yet abominate by its populace
She was the ray in the era of darkness
While she prays for mortals to live
They sin her espousing the blackness
Ignorant to her pure soul
They push her into the black abyss
Being kind as she was
Couldn't bear the sight as they suffer
She begs god for recrudescence
With all her might
She summoned the spirit of time
But time is a disruption to play
The price must be paid for it to lay
Thinking zillions a bond was a tide
For that, the soul core has to die
But as her core was firelight
The run was such a slight
For the deal to stabilize
The spirit pays a hefty price
Blade, as keen as her
Will be given to us as an offer
With hope for better days
She smiles as she pays
As the price was paid
Her soul came under the shade
Thus, the time was reversed
As the fourth you appear.."

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