Chapter : 01

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Every girl dreams of having a one-of-a-kind, exquisite wedding at least once in her lifetime

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Every girl dreams of having a one-of-a-kind, exquisite wedding at least once in her lifetime. Picture a wedding hall that has been uniquely designed just for her special day, with soft, melodic tunes being played on a string quartet in the background, making the whole experience even more poignant. The aisle is adorned with an enchanting array of flowers, and the bride, dressed in a breathtaking wedding gown, walks gracefully towards her groom, who is eagerly waiting for her at the altar. The guests, all dressed in their finest attire, are filled with joy and excitement, cheering for the newlyweds as they exchange their vows. The most magical moment is when the bride sees her soon-to-be husband looking at her with adoring eyes. As the ceremony ends, the guests throw fragrant flower petals at the happy couple, who depart hand in hand as husband and wife. What a truly unforgettable wedding it will be.

I am thrilled to have the wedding I have always dreamed of finally. However, I couldn't help but notice that my soon-to-be husband seemed to be more hostile than loving towards me. While I understand that he is being coerced into this marriage just like I am, I cannot help but wonder why he seems to harbor so much resentment towards me. Despite this, I am confident I will not let his negativity dampen my excitement for this special day. After all, I am just as much a victim of circumstance as he is.

As I walked towards the alter, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held. It was just the beginning of a new journey that I had committed myself to. Although I couldn't wait to see what was in store, I couldn't help but feel a bit apprehensive about what was to come. In the distance, I could see the wedding ceremony taking place, and I couldn't help but think about all the things that could happen after the priest finishes his speech and the vows are made. The future is unpredictable, but one thing was for sure - things were about to get interesting.

'Alright, what's done is done. Let's shift our focus to what we can do now. I smiled at my husband, and he gave me a disgusted look. Looks like I'm in for a rough ride...sighs'


Greetings! My name is Evelyn, and I'm currently 24 years old. I work a lot, and my job is pretty decent. However, my life usually feels like an unending cycle of work - day in, day out. But when I finally get some time off, I love reading romance fantasy novels. These books always transport me to another world, which I find incredibly fascinating. The characters, the plot, and the setting never fail to capture my attention, and I often lose track of time while reading. It's a great way to escape from the stresses of everyday life and immerse myself in another world.

The day I have been waiting for has finally arrived - the release of the ultimate episode of "The Bride Of Dragun" - the novel that has taken the world by storm. I am filled with excitement as I turn the pages of the epic finale, eagerly anticipating the conclusion of this incredible journey. The two leading characters have been through countless trials and tribulations to reach this point, and their long-awaited happy ending is finally within reach. As I read the final chapter, my heart swells joyfully as I take in every detail of the pivotal scenes. The author has done an exceptional job of building up to this moment, and the payoff is worth it. However, as the story winds down, sadness creeps in. The villainess, who had been a thorn in the side of the heroes, met an unfortunate end, and I cannot help but feel a pang of sympathy for her. Nonetheless, it was a bittersweet moment as I savored the culmination of this incredible journey. The legendary tale of "The Bride Of Dragun" has ended, leaving me with a sense of wonder and awe at the masterful storytelling that has captivated audiences worldwide.

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