Chapter : 78

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The day after her debut, Natasha received letters addressed to her, flooding in for the entire week

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The day after her debut, Natasha received letters addressed to her, flooding in for the entire week. With Arya's help, she was able to reply to only the necessary ones. That night incident left Natasha with a sense that Arya was on a whole different level of intensity, with affection that could be poisonous. Yet, she felt she would willingly endure that poison rather than the deceit of masked, crafty nobles. Natasha didn't fault Arya; instead, she saw Arya's poison as adding to her charm.

They were in Arya's office, with Arya about to read a letter when she glanced sideways at Natasha, who sat there obediently with Noir on her lap. "It seems you're quite fond of Noir," Arya remarked. Natasha caressed Noir's head and replied with a brief "um." With a knock on the door, a female voice followed, "Madam, it's Miya." Coming in, she let Arya know of Natasha's schedule for the day. Natasha was dejected hearing that she had to go to a party again without Arya. "It's the perks of being a lady," Arya said, bidding her farewell.

"Where's the lord?" Arya asked.
"He is in his office, madam," Miya replied.
"Very well," Arya said, rising from her seat and heading for Ivan's office. Upon entering, she requested an audience alone with him. As they were left alone, Arya placed the envelope on his table and asked for a sign. Not understanding what she meant, he opened the envelope. Confusion was replaced with fury; with angry eyes, he demanded, shouting, "What's the meaning of these?" It was about divorce, "did you forget the terms?" "I wish for it now. I cannot continue this any longer," she spoke, trying to cover her fear.

"You are not in your right state of mind. We will talk later about this. Now, go," he says, clenching his jaw. It's obvious that he's furious, but she concedes. "Why? What's wrong with now?" she asks.

"Arya, you are being delusional if you thought there would be a day when you could escape me. You are bound to me for your life, whether you like it or not. Am I clear?" His voice is husky, laced with danger, as his red eyes bore into her soul. "That was not in the terms. You cannot betray me like this," she snaps at him.

"Guards," at his call, two men enter. "From today onwards, she is under surveillance. Make sure she is never left alone," he orders. The guards oblige, struggling as she tries to free herself from his grip. "Unhand me! You cannot do this to me, you bas***! Unhand me at once!" the hallway echoes with her shouting as he takes Arya to her room. The servants on the way are surprised to hear their madam cursing the lord.

Putting her on the bed, he glares at her, his voice low yet deep, "Behave. You don't want me to misbehave." With that, he leaves the room. "Keep a sharp eye on her. If anything happens, the price is your lives."

"Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?" she repeats, her voice desperate. "She's here, isn't she? So why won't he let me go? What is he planning? Bound for eternity?! What does he mean? Just why is he doing this?" Like a madwoman, she mumbles, biting her nails. All the plans she had, crumble with his sentence. What is she supposed to do now? What could she possibly do? Her pondering questions seem to break the bounds, yet no answers reach her.

Fate : A Twisted Story Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora