Chapter : 54

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After Olivia's tea party, most of Arya's days were spent engaged in the social ladder

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After Olivia's tea party, most of Arya's days were spent engaged in the social ladder. She attended many parties thereafter. Whenever she was free from her work, she would spend time with Sofia or play with Noir. Ivan, too, was preoccupied with his work and training. Sometimes he would accompany her while visiting the city, and together they would inspect the city circle. The tower was also busy with summoning, as they had finally found a way to balance the lack of Mana. Days were peaceful, with no monster attacks; both the people of Borderside and Ivan were able to live peacefully. A month passed like that, and with time, Ivan's and Arya's relationship also evolved into friendship. They would often spend time together, helping each other with their tasks. Unknowingly, Ivan was getting used to Arya, while Arya tried her best to earn his trust.

However, the continuous report of no monster attacks made Ivan restless, as if a big piece was missing from his sight; he could not understand. The once tumultuous nights filled with the ominous howls of the lurking monster had gradually given way to an eerie calm that draped over the village like a heavy shroud. Ivan, found himself grappling with an unsettling restlessness that gnawed at the edges of his consciousness. Each passing day seemed to stretch longer, the absence of the monster's menacing presence leaving an unsettling void in his senses.

In the silence that now enveloped the village, Ivan's keen senses strained for even the faintest rustle, the smallest disturbance that might herald the return of the beast. But the days wore on, unmarked by the once regular onslaught of terror, and Ivan's unease deepened into a gnawing dread.

The soldiers, once alert and poised for battle, now seemed to succumb to the seductive lure of complacency, their duties relegated to the backburner in the face of this newfound tranquility. Ivan watched with a heavy heart as their once-sharp instincts dulled, their minds lulled into a false sense of security by the absence of danger.

Yet, amidst the prevailing calm, Ivan's fears only grew. He knew all too well the treacherous nature of peace, how easily it could blind one to the lurking threats that lay just beyond the horizon. With each passing day of quiet, his apprehension mounted, a palpable weight pressing down on his weary shoulders.

For Ivan, the absence of the monster's attacks was not a cause for celebration, but rather a harbinger of imminent danger. He stood on the precipice of a yawning abyss, his heart heavy with the burden of knowing that in this deceptive calm, the true storm lay waiting to strike.

And as if to plunge his dread into a grim reality,a big wave of monsters swarmed over the city's edge. Unyielding soldiers fell beneath their ferocious onslaught; the once formidable bastion shielding the city now bore a gaping chasm, its defenses crumbling. Ivan, commanding the Black Knight unit, swiftly rallied to the breach. Amidst the debris of shattered homes lay heaps of lifeless bodies, mingling with the rubble. Such devastation had never occurred in his previous lives. Witnessing the crimson tide pooling around them, a primal fury ignited within the soldiers. Driven to madness, they plunged headlong into a relentless conflict. For five harrowing days without respite, they fought, even as amidst all this chaos, the one leading these monsters remained unharmed—the sorceress. Despite Ivan and his men's valiant efforts, their blades could not even graze her; she continued to empower the monstrous horde unabated.

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