Chapter : 25

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As of today, I started visiting the library regularly

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As of today, I started visiting the library regularly. Most of my afternoon time were spent together with Sofia. The whole time, we would research about the black forest. I discover many clues about the cave I often see in my dreams. But the strange fact is that the cave entrance was not on the map. No matter how intricate we are, nothing can be found. Days pass as we continue our search, but the results are a trifle. At first, it was hard to locate the cave, but after putting two and two together, it indicates a particular mountain. Instead of a cave, a mountain is in its place.

The mountain was insignificant; even so, the most vicious and poisonous plants were grown in this area. We were delighted to see the fruits of our research finally.

Apart from Martha, my life in the north was smooth sailing. Martha seems a little off-board something. Now and then, she would come to see me to be more accurate with the workload. Maybe because it's been long enough since she started managing this place. 'But I really need to do something about her, sigh.'

Unlike what Ivan said, everyone here is kind to me; they treat me with utmost care and respect. After I finished my business with Sofia, I was headed to my room. As I was walking through the hallway when, I heard some men talking; some were shouting about - yeah! Go, Captain; others were whistling and laughing together.

Curious, I followed those sounds. Those voice led me to the training ground where Ivan was spearing with the Knights.

'Three against one, well, that's unfair. However, since we are talking about the male lead..meh, he will be okay.' I was peeking from behind a pillar.
'But those muscles, they sure are a sight to see. Oh!!! Ivan owns.'

He looked at me from the corner of his eyes. 'Oops. I got caught..'

I came out of hiding and felt embarrassed. I looked at the ground like some thief who got caught stealing. It felt so wrong. He walked towards me.

"Hi.. working hard, I see," I said, avoiding eye contact.

"What are you doing here?" he asked in a icy voice.

"Rude much.." I said out my thoughts. I was startled by my own doing. Realising what I just did, I put my hands on my lips at once.

I looked at him, and he gave me an annoyed look, too. "Leave; it's not a place a lady should be," he said, turning his back to me.

One thing about me is that I hate labeling people without any judgment.

'haa.. just forget it. Let's head back..'

Just as I was about to do that, I heard some knights speaking, "Woman should sit at home." "Yeah, coming to the training ground, what goes in that head?" "They got one job yet can't even do that." They keep going at it and laugh.

I got close to that man and said, "How wonderful, blabbing on like that, not knowing your place," looking all wicked.

Then I went near the holders where all the training sword was kept; they were organized accordingly. I searched thoroughly and found one for me.

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