chapter : 06

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We walked into the spacious and beautifully decorated dining room, where the Duke and Duchess warmly welcomed us with big smiles on their faces

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We walked into the spacious and beautifully decorated dining room, where the Duke and Duchess warmly welcomed us with big smiles on their faces. The room was bathed in natural light, which added to the elegance of the space. A grand mahogany table had been set for a feast, with fine china, crystal glasses, and silverware neatly arranged. The Duchess's eyes sparkled with excitement as she greeted us, and the Duke kindly gestured towards our seats. As we took our places at the table, I admired the exquisite floral centerpieces and the intricate details of the table linens. The ambiance was lively and sophisticated, and I felt privileged to be there.

"Good morning, your grace," I greet them warmly. "Good morning to you, too," the duchess says with a smile that seems to hint at something exciting, and the duke nods in acceptance, his eyes glinting with anticipation.

We were seated at a long table, facing the duchess who sat at the opposite side. As we waited for our meal to be served, the tantalizing smells of the food wafted toward us, making our stomachs rumble in anticipation. When the meal finally arrived, we were greeted with an array of dishes that filled the table. However, our enjoyment was disrupted by a group of kitchen servants who were peering through the door, watching us as we ate. Their stares made me feel uneasy and self-conscious as if we were being judged on our every bite.

As I sat at the table, I couldn't help but notice the servants peeping at us curiously. I wondered if they were staring because they were hungry or if they were simply curious about the food. The duchess, who had also noticed their stares, turned to me and asked, "How is the food? Is it to your liking?" I took a bite of the delicious meal in front of me and replied, "Yes, it's very delicious." I made sure to give my honest opinion because the food truly was exceptional.

As I spoke, I noticed the servants didn't look as excited as before. It made me wonder if they were anticipating something else entirely.

Taking a deep breath, I expressed my gratitude for the meal that was served to me. I couldn't help but notice the difference in taste between yesterday's and today's food. However, today's meal surpassed yesterday's in every way. I replied to the duchess "The flavors are well-balanced, and the texture was just perfect. The soup, in particular, was exceptional. It was rich and flavorful, and I could taste every ingredient in it. The aroma was also quite inviting, making it even more appetizing". As I spoke, I couldn't help but smile, feeling truly satisfied with my meal. The servants were delighted to hear my words of praise, and some of them even shed tears of joy. It was heartwarming to see how much effort they had put into making this meal perfect for me. After that, they left the room, beaming with happiness, and I was left feeling grateful for this wonderful experience.

I feel grateful towards Miya for telling the chef to prepare something special for me when I was feeling down this morning. Even though I am a stranger who recently arrived in the Dukedom, the people here have been very friendly and welcoming. The duchess noticed my positive reception and commented on it, saying "It seems everyone here likes you. That's a wonderful sign." Every morning here in the Dukedom feels like a warm breeze, and I am glad to be here.

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