Chapter : 55

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The last week's break had bought the knights a perfect rest

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The last week's break had bought the knights a perfect rest. After want happened to the city, they begun training like mad dogs. While Arya managed the state affairs, Ivan insisted on doing his job. Along with the physician, everyone persuaded him to avoid his work for now; after much argument, he did comply, even though he still did some work from his bedchamber. Arya was in his room, sitting on a chair as she worked from his table. Ivan was checking the report of the attacked place. "You really are a workaholic," she said, placing her chin on the back of her hand while holding the pen.

"All this rest has made my body sore. May I take a quick stroll outside, my lady?" Ivan said, emphasizing the latter request. Understanding his boardroom she replied, "alright. Let's go together."
But Ivan says, "I'm in perfect shape now. I'll be back in a moment. Stay inside, it's freezing out there, alright?" Arya's eyes displayed concern as she insisted on accompanying him, but Ivan was firm in ensuring her safety indoors. Defeated, Arya sighed, nodding her head, but she made Ivan promise to return soon.

As the second week of the month dawned, Arya have been secretly practicing her magic ability with Von's help during her free time. However, she found herself pondering about making a delivery of the mana stones. Yet, lingering doubts gnawed at her, fueled by Misham's inability to make any further improvements during their last encounter. Thinking that, Arya resolved to pay Misham a visit.

Inside Misham room :

Misham was in his room, practicing with the tropaz stone. Unlike last month, whenever he tried to input mana inside the stone, the process went smoothly. However, this time, although he was able to input the mana, the stones kept breaking, causing the mana to leak out. He was unable to grasp the problem.

Misham was scribbling on paper about the mana flow, ruffling his hair while pondering what he might be lacking. ( Since coming to the north; Arya appointment a teacher for him to learn.) Despite following Arya's instructions precisely, he couldn't achieve the desired results, causing his thoughts to churn. He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't hear Arya's persistent knocks. Coming up behind him, Arya placed her hand on his shoulder, startling him. Startled by a sudden touch, he leaped from his chair, heart racing with adrenaline. Seeing his startled expression, Arya was also suprised. "Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you," Arya spoke softly as she apologized.

Seeing Arya, Misham hastily spruced up the small sofa, which was a mess. As Arya sat down and glanced his room, his face turned red as he felt embarrassed. Due to his failure, he did not leave the room and was engrossed in experiments. And since, Arya had instructed him not to let anyone know about the stone, so he did not allow anyone to enter his room either. His room was in a state of chaos, and he was ashamed to show such a sight to his master.

"They say that you are secluded in your room, not eating properly, let alone taking care of yourself. Your tutor also mentions that these days you are not concentrating on the lessons. And your room is in dire need of cleaning, I might add," Arya said, looking straight at him. "What's been bothering you lately?"

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