Chapter : 71

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The morning light crept through the curtains, casting a gentle glow over Arya's room as she awoke to a surprising sight

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The morning light crept through the curtains, casting a gentle glow over Arya's room as she awoke to a surprising sight. Bouquets of flowers adorned every surface, filling the space with their vibrant colours and sweet fragrance. Arya blinked, her mind struggling to comprehend the sudden transformation. Was this truly her room?

With a mix of astonishment and confusion, she reached out to touch one of the bouquets, as if to confirm its reality. "I woke up in my own room, right?" she muttered to herself, pinching her arm to ensure she wasn't dreaming. As the sharp sting of reality set in, she scanned the room, searching for answers amidst the sea of blooms.

Before she could unravel the mystery, a familiar knock sounded at the door, and Miya entered with her usual grace. "Good morning, my lady. I see you are awake," she greeted, seemingly unfazed by the floral spectacle. Arya turned to her, urgency in her voice. "Miya, what's all this?"

Miya explained with a calm demeanor, revealing that the bouquets were a gift from Master Ivan, "early in the morning master ordered some servants to bring as many as they can. There's a missive attached on that bouquet", she said, pointing at the bouquet on the bedside stand. The missive contains a brief apologize of three words, "I'm sincerely sorry", with Ivan's name in the bottom corner. With her gaze still fixed on that piece of paper, she instructed, "Miya, i want my room spotless, do it fast." Saying she get off the bed and made her way to Ivan's office, still clad in her nightgown. Her mind ablaze with questions. The missive clutched tightly in her hand, determined to confront him.

Abruptly, she opened the door, surprising Ivan. Storming inside, she threw the missive on the table. "What's the meaning of this?" she demanded. "You?! Did you walk through the halls in this?" Ivan asked in return. The nightgown was off-shoulder and midi-length.

"Why go through such trouble just to apologize? Your kindness is very pricey. What do you want?" Crossing her arms, she spoke with arrogance.

"So I look that crafty to you?!" Ivan remarked, adding, "sigh... I just wanted to apologize. It seems you were avoiding me, and I don't know what fault I made, but I hope you would forgive me." With a clear gaze, he looked at her.

"It's not that you are at fault, so don't do that," feeling guilty, she averted her gaze from him. "Anyway, thanks for those flowers. And I am sorry for my behavior. I just did not know how to approach you after spouting all those nonsense. It was difficult." Seeing how hard she was trying, he found this cute. Politely, he said, "Then how about going on a date with me?" Shocked, she looked at him with widened eyes, "Hmm?!!" Correcting himself, he spoke again, "It's not like a date-date. More like an inspection of the city. We will visit the streets and meet up with some people. Well, if you are uncomfortable about this idea, then..." Instantly, she replied, "I will go. When shall we go out?" Casting a gentle smile, he looks at her with warmth-filled gaze.

After finishing breakfast, Arya got ready for her date, opting for a more comfortable attire. She wore an elegant blouse with lace and floral design, featuring long puff sleeves and a loose fit, paired with a high-waist skirt. With her hat perched on her head, she stepped out of the mansion to find Ivan already waiting outside. "You look lovely. Shall we, my lady?" he asked politely, offering his hand. Acting like a noblewoman, she accepted.

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