Chapter : 73

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With the sounds of farewell, Arya's journey begins

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With the sounds of farewell, Arya's journey begins. From inside the carriage, her gaze drifts out of the window, watching the passing countryside with a serene expression. Beside her, her maid Miya attends to her needs, ensuring comfort throughout the journey. The two women are mostly quiet, enjoying the rhythmic sway of the carriage until the rattling wheels come to a halt. After days of travel, they reach the capital, making their way inside the mansion gate and stopping beside the magnificent fountain. The grand duchess welcomes Arya with a warm hug, leading her inside.

"Sending such a beautiful wife alone—what goes inside his head?" the duchess complained about Ivan. "He got caught in an emergency, Mother. Besides, we can have our girls' time now," they both laughed making their way inside. "There's a new boutique that's opened in the city. I can't wait to visit it. How about we go tomorrow afternoon?!" Excitedly, the duchess spoke. "Now, dear. Let her rest. She has come a long way. You two can talk about your outing later. Rest, child. If you need anything, don't hesitate, hmm?" the duke said. Nodding, Arya replied and headed inside her chamber.

"My lady, where shall I put these?" Miya asked, holding up the two boxes, attracting Arya's attention. Arya's lips curled into a sly smile as she replied, "Where my sight can follow. It brings me joy whenever I see them." Initially confused, Miya observed her mistress's cryptic behavior intensifying. "You may leave now. Oh, and please arrange some commoner attire. We are going out tonight."

When night falls, Arya adorn in commonerd clothing sneak out of the mansion followed by Miya. "My lady, we should not be doing this. Think of what could happen", cutting her Arya says, "ease up Miya. No ones going to know unless you say a word. Now chop chop." Miya was obliged to protect Arya under Ivan's command, so all she could do is follow Arya around. They roamed the streets, whenever Arya goes, Miya simply follow her. It seems her mistress was in search of something, seeing how they did not stop at any shop or how Arya was glancing here and there. Even though she notices this Miya remain silent, observent of Arya's action. "Ah here it is", Arya suddenly says with excitement and went inside. Miya was shocked, of all places she was in search of this place, a pub. And at this hour, when man and women were drown in pleasure as they drank and mingle with each other. 'Is she serious?' bewilded she looks at Arya. However the serounding did not affect Arya, she came here knowing well what kind of place this was.

The opulent embrace of the "Velvet Veil Lounge", where whispers of intrigue mingle with the clink of crystal. Within these luxurious walls, commoners and nobles alike seek respite from the mundane, drawn by the allure of secrets veiled in velvet. In elite cricle known as, "The V Salon," where shadows dance with whispered promises, and every sip unveils a new layer of mystique.

Arya came for a specific reason today: this place is famous for two reasons. Firstly, it sells a transparent liquor so potent that even a drop can turn a person into a marionette controlled by the user. Secondly, it hosts the main body of the slave auction. Selling and buying individuals here is common, though the business operates discreetly behind the curtains. Despite this secrecy, the crimes committed here remain hidden, leaving no evidence. As a result, the business continues to thrive.

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