Chapter : 10

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In the evening, with the rattling sound of wheels on the the ground, a carriage arrived in the dukedom

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In the evening, with the rattling sound of wheels on the the ground, a carriage arrived in the dukedom. Arya stepped out of the carriage and went to her room with a smile on her face, thinking of what she accomplished today. Tried form the daytime and all she wanted now was to lay down on her comfy bed and have a good-night sleep. As she entered her room, the glass door opened onto the balcony, revealing a stunning view of a handsome man standing in front of the moonlight sky, holding a glass of champagne brought to sight and swept her away. It was as if a painting had come to life. The transplant white curtains flow with the softly blowing wind making this a breathtaking scene.
'Gosh..even the moon seems to be in his favor.'

"Well, someone's been waiting," I said, glancing at him. "Good evening, my dear husband," I greeted him as I settled onto the sofa.

"You're late, Arya," he said, his irritation palpable.

"Did you miss me that much?" I asked, giving him a playful look.

"As the Duchess of Dragun, you should know how to conduct yourself properly," he chided, raising his left eyebrow.

"And how should I behave? You already received the report on my whereabouts, so why do you nag... I mean, relax," I said, feeling tired as I tried to unwind on the sofa.

"Be prepared to leave the capital. We will leave after the festival." Hearing that, I looked at him as if he understood me, and he said, "We will be leaving for the north."

'Ah.. North. The main territory of the Dragun. Where the novel unfolds it's tale. Guess it's moving time than.'

I firmly nodded my head and replied, "Alright." I rose from the sofa, without giving Ivan a second glance. "If you're done with your business here, I'm going to take a shower," I stated with conviction, striding towards the bathroom. Ivan didn't budge, his aloof demeanor remained unshaken as he continued to stare at me.

"What? Aren't you going to leave?" I glint my eyes as they squint. "Or do you wanna join me for a shower?" He set down the glass on the table and proceeded to unbutton his shirt, revealing a gray-black fabric that complemented his chiseled physique. My eyes widened in disbelief as I watched him expose his chest, and I couldn't help but gulp down my saliva. His smirk indicated that he had noticed my stares, and I quickly blocked my eyes with both hands, feeling embarrassed. However, he continued to undress, revealing his perfectly shaped abs and firm chest that I couldn't help but admire. I tentatively made a gap between my fingers to continue beholding the view. I longed to touch them, even if it was just once. "For someone trying to block their sight, you sure seem to be enjoying the view," he teased. My face turned red with embarrassment, and I turned around to hide it.

This was the first time I saw his body and it was very alluring. He suddenly came close to me and lifted me up in his arms, which left me surprised. "What are you doing? Please put me down," I said while struggling to get out of his hold. "It was your idea, we can't back down now, can we?" he replied in a flirtatious tone.
'What? His chest, it's in my touch, o my god…o my god…o my god', I was literally screaming in my mind.

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