Chapter : 64

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As the maid knocked on the door, the princess granted entry with a "Come in

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As the maid knocked on the door, the princess granted entry with a "Come in." Holding a tray, the maid proceeded inside, stating, "These are the belongings of the duchess. The attire of the duchess was damaged, so it was beyond retrieval, I apologize." Placing the tray on the tea table, the maid departed at the princess's gesture after politely bowing. "All your accessories and other belongings are here. I will leave now. Ring this bell if anything is needed; the maids are right outside the door," she added. Roseanne rose from her seat, saying, "Rest well, Duchess," before exiting.

"Von?" She called in a low voice, but there was no reply. Anxiously, she called Von's name again. A groaning sound came from the left side of the bed. Turning her neck to look, she saw Von, laid on the bed with scratches all over her body, some cuts deep enough to show bloodstains. "Von!" Concerned, she tried to reach her, wishing to treat her as soon as possible, but she too was badly injured. Moving felt painful; she struggled to even lift her arm. "Von, hey." No matter how much she called, Von couldn't reply; only groaning sounds were heard. With a struggle, Von lifted her eyelids, opening her eyes to see Arya's worried face. A "Kyuu" sound was heard from Von's tone, indicating how badly she was hurt, increasing Arya's worries even more. However, seeing her able to open her eyes brought Arya a sense of relief. "Forgive me, I am unable to help you. Rest, buddy."

After hours had passed, the door abruptly opened, and a tall figure rushed inside. The loud noise of the door forced Arya to wake up. Covered in bandages and wearing a silk dress akin to sleepwear, she lay in bed, enduring the pain. Seeing Arya in this state, Ivan's body trembled in fear that something might have happened to her and he was not there to protect her. She was just invited to a tea session, but instead of enjoying the company of the ladies, Arya lay in bed, bandaged and cut. Ivan's eyes betrayed emotions of worry and unease; he was afraid to even touch her, fearing he might hurt her further.

"The wounded areas have been cleaned with warm water. Ointment has been applied to her wounds, and she's been given some painkillers. Time to time, the maids are changing her bandages, and the doctor said within four days she will be back to full health. Do not worry; what she needs now is plenty of rest. I suggest letting her stay here for another three hours. After the rest of the treatment is done, you can take her home," the stern voice of the princess came from behind as she made her way inside. "Really, what has happened to you? I wrote a letter to inform you about her situation, and you break into the palace. There's protocol to keep, you know?" Roseanne kept nagging, to which Ivan showed no heed.

Arya looked at Ivan, confused by the melancholy he was showing. Ivan bent down and lifted her in a bridal style, then started walking towards the exit. "Are you out of your mind? Where do you think you're taking her? Her wounds will open if..." Cutting the princess off, Ivan spoke, "I'm taking my wife back home. Thank you for the generosity you have shown; the Dragun will not forget this debt." With that, he starts walking with Arya in his arms. "Hey, what are you—" As Arya spoke, Ivan eyed her not to utter a word further. Immediately, Arya shut her mouth, while Von lay in her arms. Roseanne was speechless. "Haa, a debt, huh?"

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