Chapter : 85

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At the duchy :

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At the duchy :

It's been three days since the monster attack. The lives of the people have returned to normal, but the fear still lingers. It's also been three days since he last saw her. From his very sight, she disappeared, just like last time. He could not stop her, knowing very well that she would disappear, but he couldn't do anything but stare. Being this helpless, not able to do anything, was agonizing—so much so that he felt deep, tearing, agony that he could not even express his feelings. "Where could she be?" he softly murmured as he gazed at her portrait. He tried to find her touch, whatever remained inside this office. But this cold office refuses to his peals, devoid of warmth leaving only the feeling of clod touching his skin. He had never felt love so strong, so much so that it drove him crazy. His heart aches knowing that her hatred is unrelenting for him. His love becomes a source of profound pain as he grapples with the chasm between them.

Knocks repeatedly sounded on the door, yet no command came to enter. With little choice left, Alfred entered. "Forgive me, my lord. But someone has come seeking an audience." Ivan closed his eyes and exhaled deeply before turning to Alfred. "Who is it?" Hesitantly, Alfred answered, "The young Viscount of Quinn. He says he has something related to Madam." Hearing Arya's name, Ivan leaped from his seat and started walking hastily. Entering the foyer, he saw Reynard calmly sitting. Seeing Ivan, Reynard rose and greeted him. "Leave the formalities. What do you know?" Ivan asked, his anxiousness clear as his eyes showed haste.

"Heh... you are much more desperate than I thought. Why didn't you just sign the divorce papers? At least she would have been gentle," Reynard said. Hearing him talk about the divorce, Ivan grabbed Reynard by the collar. "Right, why didn't you start with that first?" Ivan's eyes were red with anger, his voice laced with fury as he gritted his teeth and fiercely glared at him.

"I was just doing my job. Fulfilling our client's request," Reynard replied with a smirk. A punch flew to his face, making him fall hard on the floor. Reynard didn't just stand there; he threw a punch at Ivan, and both men began to fight. When Alfred came in with refreshments, the sight before him made him drop the tray as he rushed forward, shouting, "My Lord?! Someone hurry," he called for help.

Black and blue, both men sat opposite each other. Xavier was tending to Reynard's injuries while Stefan tended to Ivan's. David and Alfred stood beside them, afraid of what would happen if they were left alone.

"No matter how angry you were, how could you punch a duke?!" Xavier's voice was a whisper-shout as he scolded Reynard. "Why did you hit him?" Stefan asked, baffled by Ivan's action. No matter how angry he was, how could he just beat him like that? Glancing at Reynard and seeing his battered face made Stefan gag. "Well, say something," Stefan tried, but Ivan was glaring at Reynard, who was glaring back just as fiercely.

Moments later, both of them calmed down. It seemed that Reynard's identity as the Renard guildmaster was known to them. "Apologies on behalf of him," Xiver apologized, bowing his head slightly while trying to prompt Reynard to apologize. "It's deserved, no need to apologize," Stefan replied in return. It seemed both of them had troublesome employers to serve, and a feeling of mutual understanding was evident between them.

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