Chapter : 63

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As Arya and Von lay on the ground, a tall shadow fell across their faces, shielding them from the sun's rays

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As Arya and Von lay on the ground, a tall shadow fell across their faces, shielding them from the sun's rays. Sensing someone's approach, Arya opened her eyes instantly. With a smile, Ezio greeted her, "Hello, young one." Surprised by his sudden appearance, Arya quickly sat up. "Did I surprise you that much?" he added, chuckling. "I am the one you were looking for." It took a moment for Arya to realize what he was saying, and as the realization dawned on her, she looked at him, "Ezio?". "Come, my dear," he said, starting to walk. "Wait," she exclaimed, hastily getting up and following him.

As Arya caught up with him, she looked around for Von, 'She's not here this time either?' her gaze fell on Ezio. Feeling her gaze, he spoke, "Is Namaari alright? You met with him, didn't you?" She averted her eyes from him and looked forward, "Yes, he is fine." "So did he tell?" he asked, but met with Arya's silence, he added, sighing, "It's hard to understand human nature. At times it seems that we've seen all there is to it, yet at times it still remains a mystery. We were fools to imagine we could ever fully embrace them." Arya remained silent, her eyes calm, his words not touching her.

Sighing, he smiled, saying, "You lack emotions, dear." Instead of answering him, she asked, "How do I turn this back to its normal glow?" showing the fragment. "Hmm, it's rather turned into something ugly, pitiable. It was the only thing keeping me alive. Had it not been attached to the statue, I would have long been gone." Arya raised an eyebrow in a questioning gesture. "The fragment, its power was what kept the heart ring attached to me. If the Black Witches had found this, chaos would have swept the world. To protect the people and to protect it, I remained chained for centuries. How unfortunate it turned out this way."

Looking at her, he smiled, patting her head as he said,
"Wait for her, the one with light's embrace,
Through the dark, she'll guide with grace.
Heart freed from shadows, her touch divine,
In her hand, the radiant sign.
She paves a path where light does dance,
In ethereal glow, her steps advance.
Await her coming, in night's deep sigh,
For she's the beacon, soaring high."

Confused, Arya asked, "What do you mean? Whom should I wait for?" As he was fading, he spoke with a smile, "Wait, dear. The time is near. Soon, you will meet. Do it then. I wish you luck, young one."

Her eyelids fluttered open, revealing Von floating above, calling her name repeatedly. With a groan, she propped herself up on her elbow, her lower half still sprawled on the ground. Von's voice pounded against her brain cells. "Tone it down, Von," Arya muttered, feeling a headache coming on. "Where are we?" she asked. "In the moonlight garden, or what's left of it, thanks to you," replied a young maiden's voice. Startled, Arya flinched and lifted her head, locking eyes with the princess, her shock evident as her eyes widened.

"Can you stand?" Roseanne asked, her voice regal. "I think so," Arya replied, attempting to stand but losing her balance, nearly falling before Roseanne caught her forearm. "Careful, you've hurt your knees as well as your right ankle," Roseanne calmly remarked. Offering her shoulder for support, Roseanne helped Arya walk. "Try to walk, we should hurry. The guards might arrive any moment now." They made their way inside the plaza, passing under the bridge connecting it with the royal palace, and headed towards a room. Throughout the journey, Arya couldn't shake her confusion. 'Why was the princess helping her? What does she gain from this?'

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