Chapter : 46

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After a long period of distance, they found themselves in an awkward silence as they dined together

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After a long period of distance, they found themselves in an awkward silence as they dined together. Breaking the silence, Ivan spoke up first, "Ahem… I heard from Stefan that you've been managing state affairs in my absence. Thank you; I appreciate your help." While chewing her food, she nodded and said, "Mhm-hm." After swallowing, she added, "It is my duty, after all." Silence emerged once again, and even the servants struggled to breathe.

Arya's concern deepened as she inquired about Ivan's injury. "How is your injury? I heard it was quite severe," she began, a note of worry in her voice.
Ivan, focused on cutting his food, reassured her, "It's completely healed now." Arya, intrigued, looked at him, prompting him to add, "Ironically, I do not know how such an injury healed so fast."

With a growing sense of unease, Arya shifted the conversation to the looming threat of the monster. "And what about the kraken? You don't seem to be tense about it. It could be roaming around in any corner of the continents," she expressed, tension evident in her voice.
Ivan, seemingly unperturbed, responded, "Oh, the kraken… it's dead. No need to be so tense." He continued cutting his food, casually revealing, "Our soldiers found it dead in the forest. It had a hole in it's glabella. Someone killed it."
Arya, taken aback, expressed her disbelief, "Someone killed that monster?" Ivan, nodding calmly, affirmed, "Yes, my dear."

Arya's mind wrestled with tension, pondering, 'a powerful figure capable of slaying a kraken? Who could it be?' Suddenly, Von materialized in the air, whispering cryptically, "A hole in its glabella ? Familiar, isn't it? The sorceress must be involved." Arya's gaze questioned Von's enigmatic revelation, "Kraken core, akin to a mana stone, holds power exclusive to the witches."

Ivan's voice pulled Arya from the depths of her thoughts to the present moment., "I won't be able to have breakfast with you tomorrow morning. Hope you understand."
Arya grasping says, "Oh, no. It's alright, perfectly alright. I do understand how busy you must be. There must be a pile of work waiting for you." Concern etches her expression, and she adds, "But do have you breakfast, do not miss it out. Your body, it's in Need of nourishment."
Ivan, taken aback by her unexpected response, looks at Arya with genuine astonishment. "I will," he replies.

In Arya's bedchamber :

Both Arya and Von had concern look, the kraken occurrence was a worrisome matters but now it's death news escalate the much heavier than its appearances. Although Ivan did not gave out much information about its death, however, it was clear how was behind it. Arya, with a furrowed brow, voiced her thoughts, "Do krakens not move in shoals? How is there only one in this case?" Her words lingered in the air, carrying a sense of unease.

Von, catching onto Arya's implication, spoke with unexpected intensity, "The sacrifices." Closing the distance between them, Von continued, "How many fell victim to the kraken massacre?"
Arya's response was measured and uncertain, "Don't know." The weight of the unknown seemed to hang in the room.

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