Chapter : 47

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As he approached Arya, her presence was a constant source of surprise, earning the moniker "Curio" for the intriguing aura she exuded. Delving into understanding her only deepened the layers of mystery surrounding her. In the shadowy realm of the black market, 'Khuaano,' the auction house operated by the Reynard guild, stood as a renowned establishment. Drawing nobles from the highest echelons to the lowest ranks, this auction house was the epitome of rarity. Known as the highest consignor in the black market, 'Khuaano' offered a vast array of elusive items. From high-quality goods to rare finds, with the right amount of currency, one could effortlessly procure their desired items in this clandestine marketplace.

'The mana stone' is the rarest item of this time, wielding the power to sway the world by its mere existence. The discovery of this stone promises to shake the entire continent. Eventually, the search for its discovery will be granted. If an auction is held, it will undoubtedly fetch billions but will also leave a lead to its owner. Despite calculating all the risks, why does she trust us so implicitly? Wouldn't it be easier for her to ask her husband, the most powerful man in the empire? What mystery are you hiding, Duchess of Dragun? You seem to intrigue me with each passing moment.

A smirk appear on his lips, as he sigh the paper, "well than, with that the deal is done. I hope for a harmonious and thriving corporate entity."
Arya also sign on the paper, "let's hope so."

After their talk at the gazebo, Renard escorts Arya through the corridor. A tall figure approaches them, and as they chat, both wear polite smiles, seemingly enjoying each other's company. Ivan, feeling distressed without understanding why, stomps forward. "What a surprise to see you here, Viscount Quinn," Ivan says, his eyes locked onto Arya's hand resting on Quinn's forearm. Quinn, a sly individual, amused by Ivan's behavior, releases Arya's hand and greets Ivan, "Greetings, Duke."

An uncomfortable hush enveloped the room, prompting Arya to break the tension with a gentle suggestion, "It is almost lunchtime. Shall we head to the dinette?" Ivan, seizing the opportunity clasped Arya's hand, planting a tender kiss and accompanied by a warm smile, he replied, "Let us go, dear. Please do join us, Viscount." Renard, caught in the midst of this unexpected exchange, couldn't help but reflect, 'It is more fun than I thought it would be.' Concealing any lingering reservations with a polite smile.

In Arya's bedchamber :

While she laid on her bed, the thought of tonight's dinner came to mind. It was really awkward situation. She really could not understand those two.  Do they not get along? But in the novel it was mentioned that they were on good terms. So what was the in the dinette.

"As expected, the north is truly an exceptional place, especially with such a remarkable beauty here", renard was flirtring Arya. Hearing that Ivan stun slightly. Arya giggle saying, "you flatter me, viscount. I hope your stay here are comfortable and if you are in need anything, don't hesitate to ask the butler or you can ask me." Ivan was speechless hearing Arya's word. 'look how well mannered she is towards him, where was this side when she talks to me. Haa… unbelievable', Ivan face darken at the thought.

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