Chapter 19: The vest is in danger

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Author: [ Collect this chapter ] [Complain]First published in Jinjiang Literature City 19
  "You're so brave, you can even break my barrier." Li Qingzhi looked at Yan Jin, with the sword in his hand behind his back, just like that, he ran into the group of them and fled, but it seemed that he didn't want to pursue him.

  Apart from the dog, this was the only NPC that was friendly to Yan Jin. The young man raised his eyebrows with interest and said, "That's ridiculous."

  Li Qingzhi's cold eyebrows softened slightly and said, "Since you broke the contract for a reason, then It turns out that I misjudged everything, and now I can leave Siguo Cliff."

  Unexpectedly, Li Qingzhi suddenly came because of this, Yan Jin turned his head and moved his eyes to Yi Jian Shuanghan, and walked past them naturally in Tibu, heading towards Yamashita walked: "Thank you very much."

  The remaining players were not from Jiange, and they had just done something wrong. They did not have a strong heart like Yan Jin. When they met high-level NPCs, they had guilty conscience written all over their faces. .

  Seeing that Yan Jin was at home and leaving after speaking, Xiao Li waved to the other two people and followed the young man like a thief. When he passed by Li Qingzhi, he was even more vigilant for fear of this cold face. The NPC drew his sword and slashed them in the next second.

  Fortunately, NPCs generally do not attack players on their own initiative, and they leave without incident.

  "Brother, why did you suddenly bring the NPC to kill me? I almost scared my soul away!" Xiao Li directly punched Yi Jian Shuanghan.

  Yijian Shuanghan: "It's my fault."

  Taiyin Palace player Wan Ren tried to smooth things over and said, "It's okay, it's just a bit exciting, hahaha."

  After they finished speaking, Yan Jincai said: "Look for Li Fumeng first."

  " Ah, yes," Xiao Li hammered his palm: "Find the master of the Jiange Pavilion first, otherwise this mission will not be possible."

  Yan Jin's confinement time has been lifted, and Li Qingzhi did not pursue them for trespassing into the Jiange Pavilion. The next action was It became much smoother, and the group soon arrived at Tianji Tower.

  The Tianji Building was still crowded with players, and the door was closed. Only two NPC disciples were guarding the door. When Yan Jin and the others approached, the other party blocked them with their swords.

  "Non-Jiange disciples are not allowed to approach the Tianji Tower!"

  Each sect has secret secrets, such as the peerless sword intention on the gate of Tianji Tower. Only Jiange players are allowed to get close to understand it.

  Except for Yan Jin, none of their group was from Jiange. The NPC setting was triggered and they were not allowed to take another step forward.

  The movement here alerted other players in front of the door. Some people recognized Yi Jian Shuanghan and the others and whispered.

  "Why did the people from the Sheng Tang Dynasty come to Jiange? The person at the front is Yi Jian Shuanghan, right?"

  "I don't know... Huh? Isn't the player in the middle the one who triggered the hidden mission at Senior Brother's place before? What's his name? Are you there?"

  "I don't know, his information can't be opened, and the ID has never been mentioned on the forum before."

  "They are coming over!"

After Jian Xiu Transformed into a Beautiful NPC in a Holographic Game | BL, MTLHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin