Behind The Scenes part 2

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FYI I won’t be using any specific names of the boys in this chapter, other than Kevin and Dose of course cuz I'm lazy. I’m also working on adding more detail and emotion to my writing.

This was suggested by @Glitxh_H0ll0w

(Time skip to 1 day after part 1)

Dose's POV

The low hum of the editing room's computers filled the air as I meticulously spliced together the latest episode of TheBoys' YouTube series. The door creaked open, and Kevin walked in, carrying two cups of steaming coffee. I looked up from my computer and flashed him a tired smile.

"Long night?" Kevin asked, handing me one of the cups.

I nodded, taking a sip of the hot brew. "These guys are never satisfied with the first cut. Always want something 'edgier' or 'more viral.'"

Kevin chuckled, settling into the chair next to me. "Well, that's what we signed up for, isn't it?"

We shared a moment of silent camaraderie, the glow of computer screens casting a soft light on our faces. It was in moments like these that I felt a growing warmth within myself. An unspoken connection that went beyond the pixels and cuts.

As we continued editing, I couldn't shake the feeling that he needed to say something, something more than the usual banter we shared. The Boys were more than just their employers; they were family. But this was something personal.

After a particularly grueling editing session that extended well into the night, Kevin suggested taking a break. We decided to unwind in my room, a rare moment of respite from the constant hustle.

Kevin’s POV

The soft glow of the streetlights filtered through the curtains, casting a warm ambiance in my apartment. Dose sat on the couch, nursing his cup of coffee as they talked about everything and nothing. It felt like the right time to say what had been lingering on my mind.

"Dose," I began, his voice a little hesitant, "there's something I've been meaning to tell you."

Dose looked up, curiosity flickering in his tired eyes. "What's up?"

The words stumbled out of my mouth, " We- we’ve grown closer and closer ever since that first discord call, and last night when we… *ahem*… I- I realized something… I... I think I'm falling for you, Dose."

Dose's eyes widened, surprise and something else flashing across his face. I took a deep breath, waiting for Dose's response.

Dose's POV

My heart was pounding in my chest, the revelation hanging in the air like a tangible thing. It was a lot to process, but as I looked into Kevin's eyes, I felt a warmth spreading through me, a realization dawning.

"I... I think I'm falling for you too, Kevin," I admitted, a shy smile growing on my lips.

The admission hung in the air, a weight lifted off their shoulders. Without another word, we leaned in, our lips meeting in a tender kiss. The connection was electrifying, and in that moment, everything else faded away.

3rd POV

The night unfolded into something beautiful and intimate. They shared laughs, dreams, and secrets, the walls that had separated them crumbling down. The boundaries between the two of them had blurred, leaving only the raw connection of two souls discovering each other.

As the dawn approached, they lay tangled in each other's arms, the world outside their own little bubble momentarily forgotten. The realization of what had transpired hit them, and in the quiet of the early morning, they smiled at each other.

Dose's POV

(Time skip to a year later. TheBoys are back together in the US and Dose is staying at Kevin’s house)

Kevin and I were sitting on the couch in Kevin’s house, watching some TV. I looked over at Kevin, who seemed to be in deep thought. There was a mixed expression of worry and frustration on his face.

“Uh hey Kev, is there something on your mind?” I asked with a bit of concern, “You look a bit frustrated.”

"Dose, we’ve been together for a year now. And we are finally all back together again. I- I think it’s about time that we tell TheBoys." Kevin responded, sighing.

My heart skipped a beat at the suggestion. TheBoys were like brothers to us, but how would they react to the news? Would our love complicate the dynamics of the group? The weight of uncertainty was settling in my stomach.

"I know," I replied, my voice tinged with worry. "But what if they don't take it well? What if—"

Kevin's warm hand gently cupped my cheek, silencing his fears. "We'll face it together, Dose. No matter what happens, we have each other."

We shared a tender moment, the gravity of this decision sinking in. The day leading up to the revelation was filled with nervous energy and stolen glances between edits. My mind buzzed with what-ifs, anxiety threatening to overwhelm me.

Kevin's POV

As we gathered the courage to face TheBoys, I couldn't help but admire Dose's strength and courage. I could sense the anxiety in Dose's every move, and I knew I had to be the anchor. We stood before the group, hands intertwined, hearts pounding. TheBoys looked at us with curious expressions, sensing something was different.

Dose's POV

"We... we have something to tell you," I began, my voice wavering slightly.

Kevin squeezed my hand reassuringly, and together we spilled the words that we had kept hidden. The room fell silent as TheBoys processed the revelation, their eyes flickering between the two of us.

Then, unexpectedly, a burst of cheers erupted. TheBoys surrounded us, enveloping Kevin and I in a group hug. Laughter echoed, and the weight of uncertainty lifted.

3rd POV

Surrounded by the love and support of TheBoys, Kevin felt a profound sense of gratitude. They were not just a team; they were family. TheBoys welcomed their love with open arms, excited for the new chapter that had unfolded.

As the day turned into night, TheBoys planned a celebration, cementing their bond as a group that transcended friendship and work. Dose and Kevin exchanged glances, realizing that love, in all its forms, had a way of making everything brighter.

And so, in the glow of camaraderie and acceptance, Dose and Kevin discovered that their love story was not just a secret between them but a celebration embraced by TheBoys—a tale that added a new layer to the dynamic, making their journey behind the lens of love even more beautiful.

1100 words

Happy reading everyone

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