I don't hate you (p2)

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Mully ended up back at his house an hour after he and Josh "met up" in the bathroom. He sighed as he got out of the shower, drying his hair off as he stood in his bathroom.

After getting himself dried off and brushing his hair, he checked his phone to see a few messages from Ayden and Grant.


Narrator: Eddie, Juicy and I are gonna be there in like 30 min


Mashing: kk. Same here. Ames is being a bitch

Narrator: lol don't be mean

Mashing: HE IS

Mully snorted at the texts and replies with a quick "Ok" before getting dressed in sweatpants, boxers and a shirt before heading downstairs to the living room. His mom left him some cash after he had asked if the boys could stay over. Even though he made his own money on the side doing YouTube, he still greatly appreciated it.

She trusted him and even if he did do anything she knew he'd talk to her about it.

He and his mom had always been close.

He set up the living room with blankets, pillows, snacks and he set up his Xbox and set aside a few movies as well as games.

Sitting on the couch waiting for the boys to arrive he scrolled on Instagram mindlessly. Scrolling though his fyp he paused seeing Josh's profile. He thought about it and ultimately decided to click his profile.

Swiping through his posts he comes across a post made yesterday.

'Love this girl. 3 years baby! 💜 @Kristy'

It was a picture of him and Kristy holding two stuffed bears with big grins on their faces as they stood in front of a building. He couldn't make the building out but he didn't care.

Mully's heart sank.

"He has a girlfriend?"

Mully turned his phone off and felt his eyes start to sting. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes until he was sobbing.

"O-of course. Why wouldn't he be dating someone? I'm a fucking idiot" mully sobbed into his hands.

"Stupid stupid stupid" he muttered angrily.

"MULLY OPEN THE DOOR!" Came a yell from outside his front door. Scrambling to the kitchen he threw cold water on his face and wiped it off with a paper towel, haphazardly throwing it by the trash can before opening the door.

"Hey you guys made it!" Mully said excitedly as he let everyone in. He avoided eye contact with Josh. Just seeing him made his stomach churn with guilt and sadness.

Josh made a mental note of how mully was acting.

Grant placed all his items he brought in on the floor by the coffee table and Ayden left his on the table.

"I brought booze. Hope that's ok" Eddie said, sounding nicer than anytime at school.

"That's fine. I have some here but if you brought some i'll save mine for next time"

Eddie nodded as he and the others took their shoes off. They rested them by the front door.

"So what's first?" Ayden smiled. Ames had his arm wrapped around Aydens waist while bonus held ames' other hand.

"How about uno?" Grant piped up holding two boxes of cards.

"Sounds good" Gage hummed as he opened a bottle of beer Eddie brought. He tossed the cap into a small trash can under the coffee table.

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