༺ Amygdala ༻

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Jungkook furrowed his brows, he blinked away his tears.

"W-What do you mean?" He asks as Hoseok rubs his forehead, still in denial he was just gonna tell him everything.

"That guy was a pianist... known as Min Suga..." That name tugged something inside Jungkook like he had known this name for years. He gulped.

"You were his huge fan... you listened to his music and made all of those paintings, you said it was some kind of magic, that you were unable to paint unless you listened to his music" Hoseok fiddles with his fingers, afraid of Seokjin finding out he had told everything to Jungkook.

"It was one day you painted a guy getting burned in painting and that's when you realized, he might possibly be thinking of suicide" Hoseok continues as Jungkook's eyes fall down on his lap and his eyes wander around. He was...

He was dying to remember him but he just couldn't. What Hoseok told him felt real and correct but Jungkook had no way of knowing.

Hoseok brought his hand forward and held Jungkook's hand once again before smiling.

"You managed to save him... he did indeed set himself on fire... after saving him, you often paid him visits and stood by his side, you were in love with him Kook... and he fell for you too... you love him so much that you were willing to do anything for him... he was unable to walk but thanks to you... he was healed in no time..." Hoseok sniffs, tears gathering around in his eyes as he sighs.

"I don't know what happened but you..." Hoseok pauses and stops.

"No... I guess you shouldn't know this part" Hoseok retrieves his hand back only for Jungkook to grab it tightly.

"No Hyung..." He whispers, he looks at him and Hoseok can see. The pain in his eyes.

The pain of not remembering someone who was once so dear to him. Hoseok's eyes grew wide with tears as he looked down. He couldn't do it anymore.

"Let go, Kook..."

"No! You have to tell me!" Jungkook yells. 

"I CAN'T JUNGKOOK!" Hoseok snatches away his hand from Jungkook's grip and stands up. He looks at Jungkook with redness in his eyes.

"You should leave..." He says lastly before turning around to leave. Jungkook watches him walk away as he groans and looks down at his trembling hands. 

What happened to me...?

What is it that he is hiding from me...?

Who was this Min Suga...?

Where is he now...?


Just like any other day, Jungkook was once again in his studio, as he turned on his radio and sat in front of his canvas. His eyes closed as he sighed switching through channels to get on the one that last time played that beautiful piano music by pianist, AgustD. 

And as he expected, a tune rang out from the radio, different from the last one but it also held that one pain and emotion, Jungkook had never heard on the piano before. Just like last time, he automatically raised his hand and started painting even though he had no idea how he was doing this all. 

The music was like a dream world for him. He unintentionally got lost in it. And painted and painted. His hands moved on their own. 

He was so lost that he had no idea how long he painted for, only when the music stopped with the last note hanging in the air, did he open his eyes and look at the once milky white canvas. 

It was him once again

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It was him once again... this time he had drawn his face. Jungkook stares at the painting as he tries to recognize the guy. But no use.

No matter how hard he tried he failed every single time.

"AND WITH THAT, AGUSTD HAD WON HEARTS ONCE AGAIN, LETS HAVE A FEW WORDS WITH HIM BEFORE WE CONCLUDE HIS PERFORMANCE" Jungkook's attention was instantly diverted to the radio as he furrows his brows and focused on it. 

"This is Agust D" The voice... the velvety voice rang out as chills ran down Jungkook's spine. It was like he had heard this voice so many times. From distant to whispers in his ears. His body automatically reacted to it.

"Great Agust D! What is this piece called?" The announcer or maybe the interviewer asked.

"It's called 'Amygdala', a part of a human brain which contains all the horrible and traumatizing events of life" Agust D explained. The interviewer makes an understanding noise.

"That's amazing, we heard you're holding an event tomorrow that contains all of your music, are everyone invited?" The interviewer asks as a hum rang out.

"Yes, everyone is allowed to come..." He replies.

"Great then, WITH THAT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, IT WAS AGUSTD WITH HIS PIECE AMYGDALA, THOSE WHO WANT TO JOIN HIS EVENT, THE ADDRESS IS *******" Jungkook instantly stood up and ran to note down the address as the interviewer repeated the address.

"NOW WE ARE CALLING-" Jungkook switches it off and looks back at the painting and then at the address. He gulps and sighs before sitting down on the stool. 

"Agust D.... Min Suga..." He whispers. 

"Are you both the same guy...?" He asks and looks at the painting before sighing once again.

"Or are you guys related...?" He asks the painting once again before bringing his fingers forward to touch the painting but he pauses. 

"And who are you...?" He asks the painting and looks at the face which looked so much in peace yet in pain. It was something hardly anyone could explain from their mouth. 

"Amygdala..." He whispers.

"Is my Amygdala the reason I can't remember you...?" 

"I will remember you" 

"I will take your hand once again and remember you again..."

"I will find you again..."

"And this time... I won't ever let you go"


Piano and Paintings | Yoonkook | Min Yoongi | Jeon Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now