༺ Lost ༻

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"Welcome," Hoseok greeted his customer who enters the cafe and makes his way towards the corner seat. Hoseok narrows his eyes since he didn't recognizes him, he almost knows everyone here and he has never come to look upon this guy. 

Is he new? 

Due to his curiosity, he makes his way toward the corner with a pad and a pencil. 

"May I take your order?" Hoseok asked in his soft sweet voice. The guy looked at him and softly forces a smile, his eyes were puffed and his nose was rosy red like he has been crying for long now, he was quite tall and had handsome features as well. Looking at his condition Hoseok felt a ping in his heart all of a sudden remembering Jungkook. However not wanting to be reminded of that day he forces his thoughts out and smiles again.

"I-..." He paused. Hoseok patiently stands there knowing that he was having a hard time bringing himself to act normal. Hoseok has gone through that many times before.

"Anything your favorite or you might like to suggest to me..." He said softly as Hoseok flashed a huge smile.

"No worries, your name?" Hoseok asked as he smiles back this time genuine.

"Choi Soobin" 


"Here you go" Hoseok serves the drink to Soobin who looks at the drink and then at a pastry that was presented alongside. He looks at Hoseok with wide confused eyes. 

"But I-"

"A gift from me" Hoseok interrupted knowing damn well he wasn't gonna accept the cake. Soobin looks back at the pastry nervously and then looks back.

"But I have no money to afford that..." Soobin whispers as Hoseok giggles and pats his shoulder softly.

"Don't worry, as I said it's a gift from me, I own this cafe so you don't have to worry," Hoseok said kindly before turning around to leave. 

And just like that, the day went by but Soobin didn't. He stayed on the very same seat and refused to budge. Hoseok kept looking at him from time to time to make sure he wasn't in trouble or wanted to have something but it seemed like he was perfect. 

When it was time to close the cafe he slowly approached the lost boy who was staring out of the window. Hoseok sat in front of him and leans forwards toward him resting his head on his palm. Soobin was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even notice someone sitting in front of him.

"Earth to Choi Soobin," Hoseok said grinning causing Soobin to flinch and look at him. He certainly wasn't expecting Hoseok to be sitting in front of him. His eyes slightly widened as he looks around realizing that everyone has left and only he was there. 

"Oh- I am really sorry- I should've-"

"I don't wanna interfere but is everything alright? If you want to let it all out, I am all ears" Hoseok said causing Soobin to pause and then look at him, his eyes slowly started to get wet as he lowers his head and bites his bottom lip. 

"I-Its alright... I don't wanna bother you" Soobin said as Hoseok melts at his tone but sighs and brings forward his hand to pat his shoulder once again.

"You won't be... tell me what's wrong?" Hoseok asked.

"Um... I am new here... I mean... I came from Seoul" Soobin started as Hoseok smiles and leans back.

"I knew that, I know everyone around here, and looking at you made me realize that I have never seen you around here" Hearing that Soobin's head jerked up as he looks at Hoseok with wide and hopeful eyes. Hoseok who certainly wasn't expecting that look made me confused.

"Y-You know everyone around h-here??" Soobin asked, a drop of hope was found in it which made Hoseok confused yet he smiles and nods. 

"I do" 

"T-Then b-by any chance do you know Mr.Jeon Jungkook???" Soobin asked Hoseok blinks but he nods. 

"Yes I do... he does tend to come here sometimes but recently-"

"DO YOU KNOW WHERE HE LIVES?!!" Soobin yelled causing Hoseok to flinch. He looks at Soobin but slowly shakes his head in no.

"I am so sorry but I don't, even if I did I cannot disclose this information," Hoseok said as Soobin looks at him with sorrow, suddenly all his energy dropped, and he goes limp. Hoseok was flabbergasted by his reaction and felt a ping of guilt.

"P-Please... I w-want to meet h-him... I-I b-beg you" Soobin starts to sob so hard that Hoseok widens his eyes and raises his hand in defense, he stands up and tries to calm Soobin down.

"Hey hey! D-Don't cry!" Hoseok tries to calm him down but Soobin doesn't seem to be wanting to stop crying. Hoseok sighs unable to understand the situation so he lets Soobin cry for a while until he finally calms down. Hoseok was now once again seated. 

"Why do you wanna meet him? Are you his fan?" Hoseok asked as Soobin shook his head no, he looked so miserable that Hoseok felt pity for this poor soul.

"My boss... my hyung... he is in trouble... and even though he is hurt and in pain... he wants to apologize for the pain he has caused Mr.Jungkook... I have his message I want to deliver to Mr.Jungkook... thats why I came here..." 

"Did Min Suga send you here?" They both flinched at a cold voice that suddenly came from behind, both looked at the door where a tall figure stood who was however still quite short in front of Soobin. Hoseok and Soobin both stood up and looked at the figure who seemed a bit raged. 

"Seokjin Hyung..." Hoseok whispers as Seokjin casts a cold gaze towards Hoseok but ignores him and looks at Soobin who was standing there with his red puffy eyes.

"I asked you something, did Min Suga send you here?!" 

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