⪼ Letter ⪻

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"Hyung I-... I had no idea this much has happened while I was gone for groceries... How can this..." Soobin was lost for words. Why did this all happen while he was gone??? He regrets going out now. Yoongi was sitting on his bed miserable with his opened wounds. The doctor just left after checking his wounds making sure they weren't infected, the doctor bandaged him up in fresh bandages and now Yoongi was sitting like a living corpse who was barely breathing.

"I have a request Soobin... can you do it for me?" Yoongi asked, he was so broken Soobin's heart ached at his condition. Yoongi was blankly staring at his blanket with empty eyes. There was no sign of a smile. 

He was a living dead right now.

"You have to give me orders Hyung... not requests..." Soobin whispers with his head low. Yoongi lets out the most empty chuckle Soobin has ever heard. 

Everything has gotten worst.

"Find Jungkook for me... and tell me where he lives... please... I beg you..." Yoongi's eyes started to get teary as he spoke in his hoarse voice, Soobin's eyes widened with tears as he stood up.

"You don't have to worry Hyung, I will find him just... don't cry, please... I can't see you miserable" Soobin whispers in his low and soft voice. He was so confused and lost in this situation. 

He has never seen Yoongi this miserable before.

"I will find him Hyung... this is my promise to you"


A few days later.


No no, this can't be...

"His studio has been locked down"

No No No...

This can't happen...

How can he...?

How can he leave me like this...?!

"I am so sorry Hyung but... I have no idea where he might have gone... however, I am searching for him..." Soobin informs. Jungkook's studio was locked when Soobin came to find him there. He found his studio after so much questioning but it all went to waste when he actually arrived there only to find the studio closed. 

Until he found the letter that was placed under the door. When Soobin approached it he could see the name 'To Min Yoongi' on the front. So he brought it with him and gave Yoongi the letter so that he can read it. 

Dear Yoongi Hyung, 

All this time I have written you in my diary thinking I am talking to you but this might be actually the first time any of my feelings is gonna actually reach you. This letter... I don't even know how to start... I never lied Hyung... 

My feelings for you were always genuine. And I swear I fall in love with someone so broken thinking I might be the one fixing them but I guess you already got someone to heal you...

No Hyung... I don't hate you... I will never hate you. As much as I don't wanna admit it, this feeling inside me is killing me. It's scratching me, stabbing me, choking me. It hurts so much Hyung... Someone said love is painful... I didn't understand them until now.

Only if I knew you were with Namjoon Hyung I would've never even thought of having you for myself. It was selfish of me... I agree but trust me Hyung... I have never felt like this for someone before. 

My friends were tired of me telling them how in love I was with you even though I didn't even know how you looked and to be honest, I sometimes pitied myself Hyung. I am leaving this city because the longer I live here... 

The longer your memories will linger...

I am so sorry Hyung... I really loved you I swear... and I will love you endlessly even though I wanna forget you and move on but I know it won't be easy... Love is never easy.

I fell in love with you

I don't know how

I don't know why

I just did 

And I never once regretted it. All the memories I made with you are so precious Hyung that I don't wanna forget them but... if I don't forget them how can I move on? How can I forget you? How can I... How can I make myself believe that you are not mine?

That you will never be mine no matter how hard I tried...

3 years Hyung, all these 3 years I spend in a fantasy of meeting you and having you in my arms, kissing you, and spoiling you with every compliment there is for you. No...

There is no compliment that can describe your beauty... there never will be a compliment to describe your beauty. Your face...

It's like a small dumpling, with your rosy cheeks, your small nose, and your cat-like eyes. Your gummy smile is so pretty Hyung that I will pay millions to just see your smile.

It was that smile... When I first saw it I knew I wanted to see it for the rest of my life but I guess I can't...

Please Hyung, don't doubt my love for you...

It's the only thing I have been so sure of in my life.

I wish I could just ask you what you think of me... Am I ugly? Am I dumb? Am I stupid? Or am I handsome and charming? No, I can't be handsome and charming, that's the job for you.

Hah... I still remember the feeling I felt when I first talked to you.

My heart was thumping hard against my chest, my insides were burning up in embarrassment. Was I even worth to be talking to you? Someone so amazing and cool. No, I wasn't. I realized that Hyung... I was never worth your time... I was never worth it... 

It beats...

It breaks...

It loves...

It aches...

For you.

Only you.

I love you so much Hyung that even 'I love you' isn't enough to convey my feelings... 

It was you

It is you

It will be always you

As long as I'll live, I will love you.

I love you so much that in the endless garden of flowers, I will always choose you. 

Missing you comes in waves... and tonight I guess I am drowning Hyung... 

You're my definition of perfect Hyung...

I love you 

- Your Jeon Jungkook <3 

Piano and Paintings | Yoonkook | Min Yoongi | Jeon Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now