༺ Farewell ༻

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Yoongi doesn't remember when he fell asleep, all he knows is that he was suddenly jolted awake by the noise of a door shutting close. His eyes snapped open as he sat straight, his body aching from the pain of staying in the same position the whole night but he ignored it and sat straight before looking at the intruder who quickly moved towards the other direction, Yoongi didn't get a good look of him.

Aside from Jungkook, Yoongi, and Seokjin were the only ones who had the duplicate keys to the studio. The rest of them weren't interested in visiting the studio so if they ever wanted to, they just casually asked Seokjin or Jungkook.

Who can it be...?

Yoongi gulped and slowly exited the small area he was sitting in, it was a portion where Jungkook usually painted. Yoongi wanted to call out for whoever it was but his throat was sore. He carefully approached the area, and he heard the noises of breathing and footsteps. Soon it hit him that this intruder was in the small house Jungkook and he had made.

He quickly walked and saw the back of the intruder.

The intruder whom he made this house with.

"Kook...?" Yoongi let out in his broken voice, Jungkook flinched before turning around and looking at Yoongi with wide eyes.

"Y-You! You are the same guy from the hospital!" Jungkook exclaimed, putting Yoongi in further agony and realization that he actually had forgotten him. Yoongi just stood there staring at Jungkook, he looked good.

He looked better.

He still had a small bandage on his forehead but he was standing perfectly on his feet. He looked healthy. Healthier than he remembers, suddenly tears gathered around in Yoongi's eyes. He had longed to see this happen.


It was no longer his desire...

He wanted Jungkook to recognize him.

"Just who are you?!! And why are you in my studio?!" He asked, suddenly on his guard. Yoongi flinched at his harsh loud tone and sighed before rubbing his pale arm.

"It's me, Kook... Your Yoongi Hyung..." He replies and Jungkook blinks.

"Who is that? I don't remember anyone named Yoongi" He tilts his head, and Yoongi's heart skips a beat as he looks at him. Suddenly, Jungkook's eyes widened as he grabbed his head and screamed before falling onto his knees.

It was like Yoongi's soul had left the body, he ran towards him and fell before grabbing Jungkook's shoulders.

"Kook! What's wrong?!" He yells as Jungkook continues to scream in agony.


I am so sorry Hyung...

Vivid images flash past his eyes as Jungkook screams, his head is in terrible pain.

Yoongi Hyung...

I am so sorry Yoongi Hyung...

"IT HURTS!! FUCK IT HURTS!!" Jungkook yells, tears streaming down his cheeks as he yells and yells. He could hear a voice. He knew it belonged to the guy there asking him what was wrong.

He was crying to for some reason.

"It... it hurts..." He whispers before losing his consciousness,


"I... Mr.Min... didn't I ask you to visit me before you left the hospital? Then why?" With a sigh, the doctor stopped and pushed back his glasses. Jungkook was once again back in the hospital, Doctor Lee sat in front of Yoongi and Seokjin who were equally concerned regarding Jungkook's condition.

Yoongi remained silent and refused to lift his head. After Jungkook fainted, Yoongi instantly called Seokjin who came to pick him and Jungkook in his car. The whole ride, Seokjin was painfully quiet.

"Well, what I am about to say will bring you extreme pain but it's the truth..." The doctor starts, Yoongi's breath hitched as he wasn't actually really ready to hear what he had to say. However, he remained silent.

"Jungkook seemed to have forgotten everything regarding Mr.Min" Yoongi's heart dropped.

"It seems like, just before jumping off the building, he was extremely disturbed regarding something that had to do with Mr.Min, due to that, whenever he tries to remember him, it causes him extreme pain" Yoongi's brows furrowed as he body trembled.

All because of him.

It was happening all because of him.

If hadn't made such a fuss over a small fucking lighter.

Jungkook wouldn't have tried to commit suicide.

Jungkook wouldn't have forgotten him.

It was all his fault.

"So I know it might be extremely difficult but the wisest way would be to..." The doctor paused and sighed.

"I suppose you both already know" Seokjin sighed and looked at Yoongi.

"Yoongi..." He starts as Yoongi abruptly stands up and leaves the room. Seokjin follows behind him and exits the room as well.

"Yoongi stop!" He calls out to the guy who refused to slow down. He does indeed pause but with a shaky voice, he speaks.

"I will leave Hyung... from your life... from Jungkook's life... I would never... Never like it if just from my mere mention of name... it causes such pain to him... I will just..." He pauses and weeps.

"I will leave Hyung, forget me as he did. I hope he will be good in life... he looks healthy. I hope he remains that way"

"No need to contact me either. I will just disappear from your lives" He sighed and wiped his tears.

"Love him a bit extra in my place... that's all I ask for" And with that he walked out of the hospital, tears slid down Seokjin's cheeks as he watched him leave, he knew Yoongi once brought immersed happiness to Jungkook but now...

Now it was all different.

His name alone was causing Jungkook pain.

"I suppose this is our farewell then" Seokjin whispers before turning around to approach Jungkook's room, he was in deep slumber. Seokjin quietly enters and sits by his side on the stool as he watches Jungkook take soft breaths. He looked so innocent and beautiful.

"Kookie?" He whispers but Jungkook doesn't reply. He remains asleep. Seokjin takes his hand in his and sighs.

"Even when you forgot him... even when you left him all alone... all he thinks about is you... all he wishes for is your happiness... I hope one day... one day you will remember him once again. And will seek him out once again like you did last time... because..." He pauses and smiles before dropping his head.

"Because you love him and he loves you" 

Piano and Paintings | Yoonkook | Min Yoongi | Jeon Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now