༺ Forgotten ༻

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A week later.

With a soft thud of door shutting, Jungkook entered his studio and turned on the lights. He was back at this studio after so long. He doesn't remember but he remembers being in the hospital with Seokjin who looked extremely sad, Jungkook wanted to ask what happened but Seokjin had only told him that he fainted while in the studio and Seokjin was frightened to death.

Jungkook knew Seokjin was lying or at least hiding something but Seokjin refused to talk further about it, So Jungkook just simply gave up on the topic. After a week of rest, Seokjin finally allowed him to visit the studio once again but asked him to call him instantly if he felt weird or nauseous.

The studio was extremely dusty and dirty telling Jungkook that no one had visited the studio in a while. Sighing Jungkook tucked his hands in his pockets and looked around, even though it was cold outside, the studio was strangely very warm.

Jungkook takes off his coat and cleans a spot on the table before hanging his coat on it.

"Now..." Jungkook looks around and goes to the small section of the studio he has dedicated to his paintings, his eyes wander around and land on a painting that contains a guy whom Jungkook doesn't remember seeing. He furrowed his brows and looked at the painting with narrow eyes trying hard to remember.

But regardless of that, he just couldn't figure out who he was.

The painting was so beautiful Jungkook gulped, he looked at the figure and just kept admiring the beauty of this unknown guy he had painted. His eyes traveled down and finally landed on the side where he had named the painting.

His brows furrowed.

'My Magnum Opus...?" He looked back at the painting and sighed.

Just who are you...?

Why are you my Magnum Opus...?

Why don't I fucking remember anything?!

His eyes diverted towards another painting and chills ran down his spine when he saw that painting. There were two figures, one was himself and the other was that same guy from his painting 'My Magnum Opus', Jungkook in the painting had his head rested upon this stranger.

He instantly looked at the name and it said 'Home'.

Jungkook was now getting confused, he felt so left out in his own studio. The remaining paintings all contained this very same stranger.

"J-Just who are you?!" He questions, he questions the painting as they will magically respond to him. He doesn't remember this guy, who he is, or what his name is, why doesn't Jungkook remember him when he had painted all of his paintings containing his face?

His head starts to hurt as he instantly grabs it and falls upon the couch. He felt so miserable for no reason. He felt like he was missing something. Something too important for him. Something he shouldn't be forgetting but then why couldn't he remember? Why is it that he no longer remembers this guy?

The guy who seems to be an important part of his life.

Where was he now?

Why doesn't Jungkook remember him?

What's going on?

Jungkook groans, his eyes shut close as he feels tears gathering around in them.

Why am I crying?

Why is it that I feel so miserable?

Why is it that I feel like I am missing something?


Why is this happening to me??

When Jungkook's eyes opened, his eyes were instantly on the door that belonged to his studio's storeroom. Where he kept his failed works, he stood up and slowly made his way towards the storeroom. The room was opened, he remembers locking it though.

He slowly walks towards the storeroom and pushes the door open completely. The door creaked open shining the brightness from the lights behind Jungkook. He walks in and presses the switch button. The light flicked open revealing the mess. He sighed.

I should really clean this shit up.

He walks inside and looks around before looking at his table. His brows instantly furrowed in the view of his diary which had an envelope in it.

He blinked.

How is this possible? I have always made sure the door was locked... How is it that someone came in?

He gulps and approaches his table before grabbing the envelope and flipping it to see the name.

To my dear Kookie.

It read.

Jungkook blinks, Seokjin, Taehyung, and Jimin were the only ones who ever called him by this nickname. He sits down on the chair he had placed and opens the seal before taking out the letter.

My dear Jungkook,

Even though, I know you no longer remember who I am and why you have this letter, just know that I was someone really close to you once and maybe you might have forgotten me, but I will never. You might not remember all those memories we had spent together, but I wish that you would ever for once get a flashback and suddenly remember me as it happens in fairy tales. But I suppose it's not a fairy tale, is it?

You're very brave Kookie, very brave. Had you not saved me... I wouldn't have ever gotten an experience of true love. If it's Love then I suppose one day you will remember me once again and embrace me once again.

I will always be waiting for you, my love.

Even though I might have left, I have left my heart with you.

Bye Kookie, I wish you the best of luck for your future... I just hope one day...

Just one day you will...

Jungkook furrowed his brows, the rest of the words were smudged like some water had wiped away the words forever. Jungkook leaned back against the chair, it didn't even say who this letter was from.

Who was it?

Why does this person wish for Jungkook to remember him once again?

Why had Jungkook forgotten them?

What's going on for real?!

He folded the letter back and put it back in the envelope before standing up with determination in his eyes.

"I will find you..." He whispers and closes his eyes.

"Whoever you are, I will find you!"

Piano and Paintings | Yoonkook | Min Yoongi | Jeon Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now