༺ Dark Past ༻

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Yoongi's hand trembled as he read the page. It had taken him a whole two days to gather the courage to look through his diary and this is what he was met with.

Just how much were you hiding from my Kook...?

Maybe he should hate Jungkook for hiding that he had never lived a normal lifestyle and was mentally unstable. His step-parents abused him, and his step-brother was no less.

He grew up with Taehyung in the same house.

Oh God...

He stumbled upon his feet, grabbed his usual sand-colored coat, and draped it over his shoulders before hurriedly making his way toward the house in which he previously lived.

The house which held so many memories of him and Jungkook.

The house that gave him his legs back and made him able to walk.

The house that provided him with family.

Provided him love.

He caught a cab in between and reached the house, it was the same as ever, the difference was that now it was covered with snow. Yoongi paid the driver and got off before making his way towards the main door.

This was his first time coming back here after taking a separate house and making a small house in the studio. Yoongi gulped and with a shaky hand, he rang the bell.

The bell echoed clearly inside the house as Yoongi patiently waited for someone to open the door. When it finally opened, his eyes were met by Taehyung who was wearing a green sweater, his hair messy and his one hand was carrying a coffee mug which was still steaming hot.

As soon as Taehyung looked at Yoongi he froze. His eyes are wide as a smile starts to grow on his lips.

"YOONGI HYUNG!" Taehyung nearly jumps on Yoongi with the steaming hot cup.

"Woah!" Yoongi lets out stepping back, when Taehyung realizes he is still holding a cup, he chuckles at his stupidity and moves aside to allow him in.

"Who is it Tae?" Yoongi heard Jimin call out from the kitchen.

"Guess who is here Babe" Taehyung shouts, curiosity takes over Jimin who walks out of the kitchen and arrives at the corridor, his eyes meet with Yoongi, and widens his eyes, just like Taehyung he grins widely before throwing his arms around Yoongi.

"HYUNG! HOW ARE YOU?!" Jimin yells. Yoongi smiles, feeling welcomed, his frozen heart feels like it melts a bit as Jimin pulls back and drags Yoongi inside the kitchen.

"Have some coffee, I made it!" Jimin boasts like a small young child who is proud of his achievement, Taehyung chuckles at Jimin and sits down on the chair when he watches Yoongi do so.

Now that the three of them were seated. Jimin overjoyed continues to ask about Yoongi's health. Who emptily answers them all.. It took just a few couple minutes for the couple to realize that Yoongi wasn't at all okay as he said.

"Hyung.." Jimin mumbles and sits on the chair beside Yoongi, Yoongi blinks and looks at him with confusion. Jimin grabs Yoongi's hand and offers him a sad smile.

"I know how you're feeling... don't worry, Jungkook will be up soon" Jimin comforts as Yoongi sighs and lowers his gaze. Taehyung and Jimin shared glances.

"I am here to ask you something Taehyung" When Taehyung heard that, he furrowed his brows and looked at Yoongi.


"Hmm," Yoongi answers before lifting his head up and looking at him. Jimin and Taehyung looked at Yoongi confused.

"Is it true that Jungkook has grown up in your house?" He asked, Taehyung's face went pale, Jimin's eyes widened and his head turned towards Taehyung in a swift motion.

"H-How do you know...?" Taehyung asked as Yoongi sighed and leaned back. Jimin was still staring at Taehyung with disbelief.

"I just know Tae... tell me what happened..." Yoongi demands. Jimin was still in disbelief as he looked at Yoongi and then at Taehyung. He felt so left out.

"I-..." Taehyung hesitates, Jungkook has asked him never to tell this to anyone. Yet here he was, breaking his promise and confessing everything.

"Jungkook was 8 years old when his parents technically step-parents died in a horrible car accident..." Taehyung starts, Jimin gasps and slaps his hand over his mouth. He had never known this.

"Junghyun... Jungkook's older step-brother blamed everything on Jungkook... he said that it was because of Jungkook they died, he said that his parents were stressed because of Jungkook and Jungkook was their murderer"

"This heavily impacted Jungkook's mind... his real mom died when she gave birth to Jungkook and his dad unable to raise the child that had killed his own mother upon his birth gave him to an orphanage." Yoongi's eyes were wide, he was shocked. He never imagined Jungkook had such a dark past.

His wide bunny smiles never let his dark side slip out.

He wore a perfect mask.

"That's when the couple Jung Jiho and Jung Choonhee adopted Jungkook for mere popularity, Jung Jiho, Jungkook's stepfather was a famous businessman and at that time, it was a trend or like a condition for rich families to adopt children... so they followed along and adopted Jungkook... the only one prettiest among the kids" Yoongi's and Jimin's eyes were getting teary, Taehyung took a deep breath and leaned back before pushing his hair back.

He was suddenly feeling hot.

"As Jungkook grew up, Junghyun grew resentment towards Jungkook for looking extremely beautiful and handsome, even at young age, he was really beautiful, this caused Junghyun to resent him and beat him up at any given moment... if Jungkook would complain, Junghyun would casually lie about Jungkook lying about the beating and Jungkook would receive another handful of beating" Yoongi clenched his fists and grit his teeth. Jimin took a deep breath calming himself down as he felt himself getting teary and feeling like sobbing.

"The time went by and finally in the car accident they both died... aside from Junghyun and Jungkook who were waiting for their arrival at home... in his father's will... everything went to Junghyun leaving Jungkook with nothing aside from the clothes he was wearing." If Yoongi could, he would go and fucking kill this Junghyun.

"When I saw Jungkook crying in the school's bathroom, I asked him about it and he told me everything, without any further comments took him to my house, and that is how he started to live with us" Taehyung concludes with a sigh.

"You hid this all from me all these years?" Jimin finally whispers as Taehyung looks at him and guiltily lowers his gaze.

"Terribly sorry about that Babe... Jungkook asked me not to tell anyone... even Seokjin Hyung doesn't know..." Taehyung says and fiddles with his fingers until the voice behind him startled everyone in the kitchen.

"I do know now"

Piano and Paintings | Yoonkook | Min Yoongi | Jeon Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now