༺ The Three Most Painful Words ༻

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Yoongi was in deep slumber when the sudden harsh knocking on the door made him jump and get scared. He sits up and confused gets off the bed, makes his way towards the door and opens it.

He was greeted by messy-haired yet shocked and worried-looking Seokjin, sweat was dripping down his forehead but he held a smile, A smile which spoke that Seokjin himself was shocked that he had been greeted with such a piece of good news in the middle of the night.

"It's Kook!" He exclaims even before Yoongi can say anything, Yoongi's eyes grow wide as he stares at Seokjin, his legs wanting to give up. His heart was not at all ready for the news.

"He is awake!"


Everyone was at once at the hospital, no one was in their best state, Yoongi himself hadn't even properly brushed his hair and shit. He and Seokjin woke others and made their way in their vehicles towards the hospital.

"You should go first," Seokjin encouraged. They were standing outside the room, and from the small window, they could see Jungkook all awake and blinking while talking to the doctor. Yoongi wanted to rush in and hug him as hard as he could. He wanted to kiss him until his lips were torn.

He just wanted him back.

However, he was scared. What if Jungkook wasn't pleased? What if Jungkook was still angry at Yoongi? What if he hates Yoongi now?

All these questions were eating Yoongi away but with a deep breath, he hesitantly reached for the door and gave it a light push before entering.

The doctor's attention was diverted to him instantly along with Jungkook's who stared at him with wide doe eyes, his innocent eyes stared at Yoongi who slowly approached the bed and greeted the doctors.

"Min Yoongi, right? I will give you some time alone with him but make sure to come and talk to me along with Mr.Seokjin" The doctor says before dismissing the nurses and then with a bow he makes his leave. Yoongi bowed in response and as soon as the room was emptied, Yoongi's eyes slowly moved back to Jungkook who was still staring at him blankly.

"Hey Kookie..." Yoongi starts, his voice coming out weak and broken, he slowly sits down on the stool and looks at Jungkook who blinks and then lets out three words that tear down Yoongi's world.

"Who are you?"

It was like Yoongi had been robbed out of his breath. It was like his heart had stopped beating. He stared at Jungkook dumbfounded by his question, his throat had instantly grown dry as he stared at Jungkook. His hands trembled.


"I asked who are you, sir...? I can't seem to remember you..." Jungkook says, his voice soft and low. Yoongi's heart has been torn apart.

He doesn't remember him...

Jungkook no longer remembered who Yoongi was...

It meant he had forgotten everything they had done together...

All those days...

All those nights...

Everything is gone.

Jungkook remembered nothing.

He remembered nothing.

Yoongi's eyes grew hot as tears started to spill down. His breath hitched as he stared at Jungkook who was suddenly flustered by his crying.

"Ah! Why are you crying??" Jungkook innocently asks, causing Yoongi to sob out loud and slam his hand over his mouth. He shakes his head and stands up.

"I-" He couldn't form words, it was like his throat had been clogged. He couldn't get anything out. Words were stuck.

Piano and Paintings | Yoonkook | Min Yoongi | Jeon Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now