༺ Birthday Surprise ༻

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2 Weeks Later:

"B-But where are we going?" Yeonjun asked confused as Jungkook giggled, his hand covered Yeonjun's eyes and led him to who knows where. It's been two weeks since he joined their family and honestly. Yeonjun was such a good boy.

He helped Seokjin with kitchen chores and home. Seokjin was so glad that he had someone to lend him a hand since Jungkook was mostly busy with either finding a job or taking care of Yoongi. Meanwhile, Jimin joined his family bakery as he was also a resident of Busan before he shifted to Seoul to open his own bakery.

When it comes to Taehyung, he was a farmer and a life of a farmer is never easy. Since Seokjin didn't work, he decided to take care of the house and never complained about the load of work since he knew the three of them worked a lot and also felt guilty for not being able to lead his hand in work.

Especially Jimin who was so sweet and charming.

But now that they had Yeonjun with them, everything has gotten even easier for all of them.

Today was Yeonjun's birthday and to surprise him, they held the party in Hoseok's cafe, Hope World.

As they entered, the bell rang indicating the new customer. Hoseok looked at them and smiled.

"You ready?" Jungkook asks as Yeonjun nods and gulps. Partially nervous and partially excited.

As soon as Jungkook removed his hands from his eyes, the decorated Cafe came into his view.

Yeonjun's eyes slowly widened as he looked around where on the walls the ballons read. Happy Birthday, Yeonjunnie!

"Surprise!!" He heard Jungkook, Seokjin and the couple scream along with Hoseok. Yeonjun flinched and a large smile grew over his lips.

"Thank you so much!!" Yeonjun's eyes got teary. He wanted to cry so badly. It has been so long since he last celebrated his birthday. The last time he could remember was with...


He missed Soobin so much. Only if he hadn't made a rash decision on committing such a horrendous crime. Only if he hadn't done that...

He would've been with Soobin right now.

"But the real surprise hasn't arrived yet," Jungkook said to which Yeonjun looked at him in confusion. They instantly changed the topic and brought the cake which Jimin had baked with fresh strawberries on top picked by Taehyung himself. Hoseok served his amazing and delicious coffees aside from the bitter one Jungkook always ends up ordering.

Of course, in this celebration, Yoongi was amiss. Of course, he couldn't yet walk but so far he had made quite some improvement. The doctor has been trying to make him walk and so far Yoongi is only able to walk with support. But the doctor assures that Yoongi will soon be able to walk without any support.

"Blow the candle and wish already, Junnie" Taehyung urges, Yeonjun smiles and nods before wishing with his eyes closed.

All I wish for is to meet Soobin once again.

He grabbed the knife and sliced the cake after blowing out the candle. He heard everyone clap and whistle for him as he took small pieces and fed everyone. Everyone moaned at the bliss of the taste, even Yeonjun was lost in a trace.

"Holy shit this is some real good cake!" Hoseok exclaims, causing Jimin to chuckle softly.

"Many thanks"

"Am I late to the party?" The voice followed after the ring of the bell indicating another customer.

Everyone turned around to face the door to look at this new member who was going to join their party. Everyone smiled except Yeonjun whose face paled.

Soobin's eyes also finally landed on Yeonjun. His heart skipped a beat even though he knew he was going to meet Yeonjun. He has... he hasn't changed a bit.

He still had that fox-like eyes, plump lips that were pleasant to kiss, and smooth skin that was pleasant to caress.

He hasn't changed yet...

Yet he looked a bit paler and skinner than before.

Yeonjun had a perfect figure as he was in the dance club of their school. He was so popular.

Yet now he looks so...

So miserable.

He hasn't changed but the light in his eyes was dimmer.

"Soobin..." Yeonjun whispers. His hand froze as he dropped the knife on the table. Seokjin shared glances with everyone signaling them to leave.

There is no way...


He really is here...!

"We must take our leave now, Soobin! Keys are with you now!" Hoseok throws him the keys which Soobin manages to catch as the room empties. Now it was just him and Yeonjun.

"Hey, Hyung..." Soobin starts. He approaches the table where the cake and coffee was set. The cake looked incredibly delicious.

"Won't you feed me the cake?" Soobin asked. Yeonjun finally snaps out of the daze he was lost in. He emptily hummed yes and took out a piece to feed Soobin. Soobin opened his mouth as Yeonjun brought his hand closer. The cake lands in his tongue giving him the bliss of the absolute taste of cake.

"Yum! Jimin Hyung is surely a good baker!" Soobin exclaims as Yeonjun blankly stares at him. Soobin looks at him and smiles.

"How are you Hyung...?" And that was all it took for Yeonjun to break, he broke into sobs as he rushed to hug Soobin who was taken aback by the outburst but couldn't also hold it in any longer and let the tear loose.

"I am so sorry Binnie!" Yeonjun cried out, his muffled voice didn't fail to indicate his sorrow. Soobin sighs and cries as well resting his chin on Yeonjun's head.

"I missed you so much Hyung, so much" Soobin whispers as Yeonjun breaks away, his face red from nose to ear. He was such a mess.

"I missed you too, every day, every night, every hour, every minute, and every second, I regretted committing that absurd crime" Yeonjun cries hysterically. Soobin's heart breaks further as he wipes his tears.

"It was so painful Bin, being away from you" He cries further. Soobin once again embraces him and rubs his back knowing that Yeonjun loves it when Soobin rubs his back since it helps him calm down.

"It's okay Hyung, I am here, and this time I won't leave" Soobin whispers as Yeonjun looks at him and bites his bottom lip.

"I love you, Binnie, I promise I will live a good life and always keep you happy" Soobin giggles and nods. He shyly ruffles his hair as he presses his forehead against Yeonjun's.

"I love you too Hyung and I promise I will live a good life and always keep you happy" 

Piano and Paintings | Yoonkook | Min Yoongi | Jeon Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now