⪼ Admiration ⪻

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"We will talk later in detail sir, right now I have to go and check up on Yoongi" Namjoon spoke on the phone as he grabs his car keys and exits the house after locking it up. 

"We have way too much to talk about Namjoon, you better arrive on time tomorrow" With that being said, the line went silent. Namjoon sighed and puts his phone in his pocket before making his way toward his car. 

Ever since the accident happened, Namjoon has been in lots of trouble, especially with all the complaints from the people who paid Namjoon in advance for Yoongi's performances at their events. Now since Yoongi cannot perform, everyone is enraged. 

Namjoon enters the car and slumps back against the seat, a deep sigh leaving his mouth as he closes his eyes and tries to calm himself down, he didn't want to be stressed right now because he was sure if Yoongi saw him this stressed, he will surely be worried for him. 

With a deep breath, he forces a smile and starts the engine making his way towards Yoongi's house.


"H-Huh?" Yoongi stared at Jungkook as Jungkook's eyes widened, he instantly slapped his hand against his mouth, dark blush instantly coated his cheeks as he waves his hand.

"I-I! It's not like that-! I-" Seeing Jungkook this flustered, a small chuckle left Yoongi's mouth before he went still instantly, he could not believe he just let out that noise.

What the fuck!?

He blinked in confusion before turning to look at the flustered Jungkook as he gulps and smiles. 

"I-I meant... I like spending time here with you... even though it's my first-time" Jungkook said shyly as his hand made its way toward his neck. Yoongi smiles and leans back.

"You can come here whenever you want to, you are most welcomed here," Yoongi told as Jungkook's eyes widened. He looked at Yoongi in disbelief and stands up in shock.

"REALLY?!" Yoongi smiled and nodded. Jungkook almost jumped in excitement. Yoongi internally chuckles at him and admires him with his head tilted. 

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Jungkook exclaims but then calms himself down and finally asks the question he was dying to ask him forever. 

"Umm... can you tell me your name...?" The nervousness dripped from Jungkook's tone as Yoongi stares at Jungkook for a while before letting out a small chuckle as he nods.

"It's Min Yoongi" 


"And that's how it went successful!" Jungkook boasts as Seokjin slaps Jungkook's shoulder feeling proud. He was so happy for Jungkook that no words can explain it. 

"Did you tell Taehyung about it yet? He was dying to know how it went" Seokjin asked as Jungkook shook his head in no.

"I haven't yet, I will call him later, I am sure he is busy with that baker," Jungkook said as Seokjin chuckles and sits down along with Jungkook on his couch before sighing and folding his hands in front of his chest. When Jungkook noticed how serious he went all of a sudden, Jungkook gulped and waited for Seokjin to say something.

"What are you gonna do now Jungkook? Min Suga is gonna be bed-rested for a while so obviously, he ain't gonna play. What will happen to you, Kook?" Jungkook gulps since he knows what Seokjin is saying is the truth. He is nothing without Yoongi and now that Yoongi is in that state. He cannot absolutely paint. He just has no idea what to paint whenever he is gonna paint all by himself. 

He had tried making paintings without Yoongi's music but he failed miserably. He even has personal room for his failures. Which only Seokjin and Taehyung know.

"I don't know Hyung... maybe I will take a break till he is alright," Jungkook told shrugging unsure of what to do. Seokjin sighs and rubs his temples.

"It's gonna be a huge problem Jungkook, we don't know how long he is gonna take to heal and you know the reporters, they will make up things and then connect you with some bullshit, don't forget you're a celebrity, and-"

"I KNOW HYUNG! BUT PLEASE TRY TO UNDERSTAND THAT I CANNOT DO ANYTHING WITHOUT HIM!!" Jungkook bursts out, Seokjin flinching certainly not expecting an outburst from Jungkook. Realizing what he just did he instantly drops his gaze toward the ground with tears threatening to fall.

"I am so sorry Hyung, I shouldn't have shouted like that at you..." He apologizes as Seokjin softens his gaze, a small smile forming on his lips as he places his hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay Kookie and it's not your fault, I get it you're having it hard, I shouldn't have spoken that way, I am terribly sorry" Seokjin apologizes as Jungkook looks at Seokjin and hugs him, Seokjin instantly melts in his arms and wraps his around him. Jungkook rests his chin on Seokjin's shoulder.

"I love you Hyung, you're the best Hyung someone can ever have" Jungkook whispers as Seokjin giggles.

"I know" Hearing that Jungkook bursts into laughter as Seokjin laughs along with him but continues to hug him tightly.

"I love you too Kookie" 

Piano and Paintings | Yoonkook | Min Yoongi | Jeon Jungkook ✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat