⪼ Burn...? ⪻

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"Yoongi... listen to me please" Namjoon, Yoongi's manager insisted to the guy who had no intentions of listening to him. Yoongi groaned and tried to slam the door shut but Namjoon puts his feet blocking the action. Yoongi looks at Namjoon with irritation who was also equally irritated.


"Remove your feet before I snap it cut" Yoongi threatened as Namjoon scoffed.

"You can't hurt a fly Yoongi... and you know that," Namjoon told as Yoongi rolls his eyes.

"Yeah but I can snap your leg"

"Cut your crap, Yoon! Fucking listen to me this once!"

"You always feed me this shit! And I end up in that horrible room! On that horrible stage! I fucking hate it Namjoon! Why the fuck won't you understand?!"

"What do you hate so much about it Yoongi?! Everybody loves your music! You are popular as fuck! Then what's wrong? You have money, and popularity; your music is getting appreciated! Then what's wrong?!" Namjoon snaps and honestly, Yoongi has never seen Namjoon this angry before, Namjoon's face was blood red and Yoongi noticed his eyes were teary as well.

Was it the tears of frustration? Or the tears of loss?

After all, Namjoon was nothing more than his manager so, of course, he won't bear the loss of his most popular player.

Noticing that Yoongi has loosened his force on the door. Namjoon forcedly pushed open the door and slammed Yoongi against the wall. This sudden action paralyzed Yoongi as he tries to recover from the action. Namjoon places his palm softly against Yoongi's cheek ignoring his earlier action.

"I-... I can't bear losing you Yoongi" Namjoon whispers as Yoongi looks at him and scoffs. His heart is aching because he feels like he is betrayed by someone he trusted the most till now.

"Of course, because if I left... you will be poor" Yoongi spats as Namjoon furrows his brows.

"The fuck? You think our relationship is based on money?!"

"Then what is our relationship Namjoon?! You are my manager! I am someone who works for you for some pity money! What more do we have in between?!" Yoongi yells, his voice cracking as tears threaten to fall. Namjoon slowly backs up from Yoongi.

"I thought we were more than that Yoongi... I thought we were... friends..." For some reason, the word friends broke Yoongi to the core. Yoongi scoffs.

"Friends... we are just friends to you...? Then what about that night-"

"IT WAS A MISTAKE YOONGI! HOW MANY TIMES SHOULD I TELL YOU?! I REGRET IT DAY AND NIGHT!!" Namjoon yells as tears finally broke through and flow down Yoongi's cheeks. Yoongi stares at him with a broken heart and gives Namjoon a broken smile.

"But... I didn't regret it Namjoon... not once" Hearing that Namjoon looks at him in shock. His eyes widened as he tries to process those words.


"Get out of my house"

"Yoongi list-"

"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!!!" Yoongi screams, Namjoon flinches at his tone because Yoongi has never raised his tone that high. Namjoon sighs and drops his head low before backing away slowly.

"I am sorry Yoongi," He said thinking his words might be able to dress the wound he craved in his heart. But just how wrong he was. He has craved that wound so deep that it can't be dressed anymore, no remedy can vanish the pain.

As the Namjoon shuts the door behind him, Yoongi finally breaks and falls onto his knees screaming in agony. It hurts more than he can ever imagine. He screams and cries until his voice is finally gone.

Even with that, he continues to cry, he breaks everything, the glass was shredded everywhere as they poke Yoongi but that pain can't be compared to the pain he is feeling in his heart. It hurts everywhere, in his heart, in his body.

Every fucking where.

Namjoon listened to all of his screams but instead of going to help him calm down, he knew it would be better if he just left, he was 50% right there, his non-existence would help Yoongi but at the same time, it hurts knowing that he left.

"I FUCKING HATE YOU NAMJOON! I HOPE YOU ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT" Namjoon did hear that and with no strength to lift his head up, he quietly retreated from the house.


"Hold it on Sunday, so people can visit the exhibition without any problem," Jungkook told, his phone held between his ear and shoulder as he pours himself coffee. The man on the other line told him something before he cuts off the call. Jungkook puts back his phone into his pocket and takes his coffee to the coffee table. He sits down and looks at his latest painting made of a man burning in the fire, the painting he made listening to the pianist Min Suga.

Something's wrong... he is not in his right mind these days... it's like he is lost... like he is depressed.

Honestly, it was no different than every other time Min Suga was depressed but this time it seems like it was serious, yeah Jungkook have always painted paintings that show Min Suga's depression and almost half of them are of people dying but some reason this time it felt really serious, Min Suga has never thought of burning himself and if he was having this horrendous thought, then it's probably something serious.

Jungkook sighs and once again observe the painting and suddenly his eyes caught something he wrote unintentionally, he stands up and makes his way toward the painting as he focuses on the writing, it was distorted but it can be read.

"Burn...?" He whispers the word, his brows furrowing as he looks at the word and just then it hits him...

This is why Suga was playing the saddest piece he has ever played before...

He is having serious suicidal thoughts.

I mean he can't just go and assume that just because he managed to paint the word 'Burn' while listening to Suga's music but he was so damn sure that Suga was actually having suicidal thoughts which he most of the time has but this time it felt like Suga was serious. Jungkook trusts himself, and most importantly, he trusts his skills.

Now even though he knows what going on and what Yoongi gonna do, he has no idea where he lives, of course, since as a celebrity his personal information has been kept secret so there was no way in hell he would know where he lives. And it was more pain in the ass because he doesn't even know how Suga looks, Suga has always revealed his face in events he holds and his real name has always been kept secret. Nobody knows why, he just never told anyone about his personal info.

Jungkook starts to panic as he has no idea how he is supposed to help Suga. How can he possibly save him?

The answer was simple.

He can't.

And call Jungkook a coward or idiot but he gave up really quickly, he can't help Suga even if he wants to. How can he possibly save him without knowing how he looks, his real name, and his address?

And it was not like he was personally informed that Min Suga is gonna take his own life, so what he is doing is just making a wild guess, yeah he trusts himself and his skills but he can be wrong as well.

To take his mind off for a sec he ignores the coffee on the table and makes his way out, grabbing his coat he locks the house door and makes his way down the road. The only way of taking his mind off the horrible thoughts of his favorite musician burning was by taking a walk late at night.

He loved late-night walks, it always helped him take his mind off the horrible thoughts he often had.

They just randomly appear because Jungkook is not much of a sane person.

Just as he was walking down the road his eyes went up to the apartment where black smoke was pouring out of the window, Jungkook's eyes widened as he feels his heart beating faster much to his displeasure. He just prays to whatever God was there to not be what he was thinking as he makes his way inside the building.

Piano and Paintings | Yoonkook | Min Yoongi | Jeon Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now