⪼ Living Corpse ⪻

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Yoongi wasn't okay... he was so depressed he won't eat and won't sleep. He kept hugging the letter that was left by Jungkook and sat like a living corpse. No matter how hard Soobin tried to make him eat and sleep. 

Yoongi just won't do it. 

He will cry day and night rereading the letter again and again. He repeated the process every other day. Soobin was so concerned for him because at this point...

Yoongi might as well die...

"Hyung...?" Soobin knocked at the door even though he was sure Yoongi was crying again. Yoongi didn't reply back so that only just made Soobin open the door and enter with a food tray. And he was right. 

Yoongi was sitting with tears flowing down his cheeks as he hugged the letter. Soobin's heart aches at the sight once again before he slowly makes his way toward the bed.

"Eat something Hyung... for fuck sake..." Soobin begs to which Yoongi turns deaf ears. Soobin unable to keep it in finally bursts down.

"PLEASE HYUNG! WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING THIS?!!! YOU CAN DIE AT THIS RATE! EAT AND SLEEP SO THAT YOU CAN GET WELL!! SO THAT... So that you can meet Sir.Jungkook..." Soobin's eyes were also bloodshot with tears streaming down his cheeks. Yoongi's eyes widened at the mention of Jungkook's name as he looks at Soobin.

"I-I can meet Jungkook...?" He asked, his voice hoarse and deep so much that it was even hard to understand what he was saying. However, Soobin nods with a smile and places the tray on the table beside his bed.

"I gathered new information regarding him... I know where he went..."

"WHERE?!!! PLEASE TELL ME!" Yoongi yells reaching out for Soobin who grabs his hands softly and smiles.

"Eat first Hyung, and I promise I will tell you" Soobin whispers back as Yoongi gulps and nods with his eyes wide.

"I will eat! I will eat!" He screams pathetically and reaches for the tray which Soobin grabs back and let's Yoongi relax.

"Let me feed you," He said sweetly before filling the spoon with the soup and approaching Yoongi's lips. Yoongi obediently opens his mouth and lets Soobin feed him. 

"Eat well Hyung," He says smiling.


"What happened with Yoongi Namjoon? When he is gonna properly heal?! We are going to a loss right now! Do you even have any fucking idea?!!" Bang Sihyuk yells at Namjoon who stood there with his head lowered down.

"I haven't made my visit to him for the past few days... I will today," Namjoon told as Sihyuk furrows his brows and folds his hands before approaching Namjoon and standing in front of him.

"May I ask why?!" He asked in his harsh tone as Namjoon gulped and looks at Sihyuk.

"My boyfriend was opposing my meeting with Yoongi"

"Your what?!" Sihyuk exclaims as Namjoon flinches before lowering his gaze.

"Oh my fucking god, Whatever Namjoon! I want you to give me a report on his condition! Tomorrow at any cost!!" With that, Sihyuk turned his back on Namjoon and left his office. 



"Busan?!" Yoongi exclaimed in shock and confusion. Soobin nodded.

"According to my resources, Sir Jungkook is from Busan and supposedly went back to his home city..." Soobin informed as Yoongi blinks. 

"Busan... do you know his home address??" Yoongi asked to which Soobin gives an apologetic smiles and shakes his head in no. Yoongi disappointed looks at his blanket.

"But I heard Sir Jungkook is really popular in his home city, how about you write a letter to him?? Maybe it might reach him!" Soobin tries to cheer Yoongi up in which he succeeds. Yoongi's face lights up as he looks at Soobin with pure happiness.

"YES! I CAN WRITE A LETTER!! I-... I can- I cannot write letter..." Yoongi's voice suddenly substituted when he realized that with his current condition he can't possibly write a letter. He cannot even hold a pen in this condition. Soobin's face also lost it's colors when he realized that Yoongi was correct.

Soobin panicking tries to think of a way. 

"How about I write and you speak??" Yoongi shakes his head.

"No... I want it to be personal..." Soobin sighs and gulps trying to think. That's when it suddenly comes in his mind. 

"Type writer!! You cannot hold a pen but you can at least type!" Soobin said, and suddenly that happiness and disappointment was gone. He smiles and nods with sparkling eyes.

Life was a little back in his eyes.


"Can write a letter to whom?"

Piano and Paintings | Yoonkook | Min Yoongi | Jeon Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now