༺ The Secret Door ༻

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Yoongi jolted awake all of a sudden, his head hurting with sunlight shining to its fullest. The studio was brightened up from windows which allowed the light to enter. Yoongi groans feeling his body all frozen up, he sits straight and looks around.

No one.

No one...

Jungkook wasn't here...

Yoongi sighed and stood up, his eyes burning from all the crying he had done last night. He had been sleeping on the ground all night with his back against the wall. His body was in so much pain. He should've gone to that one-person bed in that small house of theirs but he couldn't.

How could he when he had so many memories on that bed with him?

How could he when that small house held so so so many of their memories??

Yoongi weakly reached for his coat and draped it over him, that's when his eyes went to a door. He furrowed his brows. How can he not see this door here before?

That door never stood out to him all this time but now that he looked at it, he was so curious and amazed.

He slowly made his way towards the door and rattled the handle. Of course, it was locked. Yoongi sighed and turned his back against it. If it was locked then he could not open it at all, what's the point of trying hard then? He got out of the studio and just when he was gonna lock the studio, he realized that the handle of the studio door and that door were exactly the same.

There is no way...

Yoongi entered the studio once again and let the door behind him shut on its own as he took out the key from his coat and then put it in the handle, he turned the key around, and a click.

It opened!

Yoongi was so shocked, he really wasn't expecting the door to open. He turned the handle and the door creaked open, the darkness and chilliness ran shivers down Yoongi's spine.

He slowly entered the room and searched for the light switch. He finds it right beside the wall. Clicking the switch, the light flickered open giving a view of a horrifying scene.

So many paintings.

Yoongi flinches and backs away a step before looking at the paintings that have been discarded. Some of them are violent, and some of them are weird. Yoongi's breath hitched.

They were Jungkook's attempts...

Attempts he made to make paintings without Yoongi's music.

Yoongi looks around and his eyes land on a painting that stood out the most. Especially because it was in the center of the room on an easel. Yoongi gulped and slowly walked towards the painting.


Yoongi's pupils shrank and his heart skipped a beat, goosebumps raised all over his body as he stared at the painting.

It was a painting of a man burning.

And it didn't take Yoongi long to realize that it was definitely the painting indicating his accident. He backs away and bumps against another thing. He turned around scared to death. It was just a small study table that had a notebook on it, and a small holder holding some pens and pencils. One pen was set upon the notebook.

No not a notebook.

It was a diary.

Yoongi furrows his brows sits down on the small stool and removes the pen from the top before cleaning away the dust from the diary. Coughing a few times he sighs and finally, with a strong heart, he opens it.

And his strong heart instantly lost as soon as he read the first sentence.

'My dad hit me once again'

That line dropped a massive bomb over Yoongi whose eyes widened, he couldn't make himself read further but he had to. Judging by the handwriting it seemed like he wrote it really long ago, like when he was a kid. The condition of this diary spoke for itself.

Yoongi took another shaky breath and continued reading further.

'He hits me because he thinks I cannot be a great person, but I try every day.'

'I am Jungkook and I am 5 years old'

'I hope we become good friends diary!'

'No one else wants to be my friend.'

Yoongi closed his eyes. He couldn't. He can't.

It's so hard for him too.

Yet he opens his eyes and then continues to read further.

'Hyung is also not good, they say I am not their son but I am!'

Yoongi's eyes grew wide once again.

'I don't like them.'

'I hate them!'

The page ended and so did Yoongi's energy to read further. He ran his hand through his hair before throwing his head back with his eyes closed.


Jungkook had gone through child abuse...

He might be adopted too.

Oh my god!

Yoongi couldn't believe this. Jungkook had hidden such a huge information from him all this time. But now when he did think about it from a calm mind.

Actually, no one can really open up about subjects that have traumatized you.

Jungkook hiding this all was normal. He might've been waiting for a perfect opportunity to tell him. Yoongi didn't want to blindly jump to conclusions so he sighed and stood up, his hand still carrying the diary as he slowly walked towards the small portion of the studio they had made their home.

He sits down on the one-person bed and looks at the diary once again before lying down.

"Let's sleep Kookie" He whispers as he closes his eyes ignoring all the sunlight that was brightening up the place. With diary still in his embrace, he fell into a deep slumber. 

Piano and Paintings | Yoonkook | Min Yoongi | Jeon Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now