tactics 101

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morning came faster than expected. or at least for izuku. there he was with akeno and koneko. ever since they accepted their powers it became easier for izuku to train them. akeno especially. 

akeno: "HHHHAAAAAA!!!!"

she sent a lightning blast towards izuku. which he parried easily. akeno was flying towards upwards to send him another bolt. this time she sent multiple. izuku looked up with a smile and jumped out of the way of all of them. akeno didnt stop and she casted another spell. this time there were storm clouds above them. as the cloud rumbled izuku looked up. using ofa in his hand he simply sent another lightning bolt towards the sky dispersing the spell she casted.

akeno: "not fair!!! you didnt let me finish the casting."

seeing her act like this izuku chuckled. seeing her act more girly was something. izuku simply flew up and pushed her towards the ground. it wasnt a too hard of a push but he still managed the knock the winds out of akeno. landing on the ground he helped akeno get back up. 

izuku: "you know....... you are acting more girly than usual."

akeno: ".....oh......I........"

izuku: "not mean it in a bad way. in fact it is somewhat cute."

he patted her head. akeno blushed. but the she smiled but suddenly......... she smirked

akeno: "ufufu guardian really likes that kinds of things huh?."

on the other side koneko was pouting in jealousy. ever since that day, she stopped hiding her cat features from izuku. akeno too was ok with showing her wings to him. she sat down next to koneko. 

izuku: "that said your technique needs much improvement. for starters you lack control. both of you do."

koneko: "you said that before."

izuku: "for you koneko, you need to learn how to control you chi better. once you are handling yourchi better we can switch to yo-jutsu. to be fair I cant say I am an expert on that. but I understand their nature now. so I should be able to help you. and for akeno, honestly we got much to do. for starters, I need to make sure you are not completely wasting your evil piece potential."

akeno tilted her head in slight confusion.

izuku: "you have the queen piece. but you fight like a bishop. there is also the fact that you lack control of your own powers."

akeno: "I dont hear complaints about my spell."

izuku: "there isnt. but there is another problem here. now watch closely."

izuku then charged lightning in his hand. there was a lightning spear now. and launched it to the woods. he waited and waited. then he turned to a side and opened her hand on another direction and waited. moments later the two girls heard something coming from that direction. when they turned they saw the same attack izuku just launched to another direction. the attack was about to hit izuku but he simply caught the spear like nothing and looked at them.

izuku: "every time you cast a spell, the first bolt, or the storm clouds they look different but they are the same in nature. you simply shoot lightning differently. it is like ammunition to you. if you are not careful you might ran out of it. I am gonna teach you something different and from that, hopefully you will be able to use your evil piece more efficiently. I look like I also cast spells like you. but unlike you....."

izuku released a lot of lightning. they were zapping from one piece to another. but they werent doing this randomly. some bolts were simply drawing circles. others were jumping between the same spots. he then got more focus and they started to take the shape of different creatures. there were several human like constructs, and there was also one shaped like a dragons head. hell that dragon roared in a static form. but it still made sound. akeno stood looking at izuku in awe 

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