tiny companion

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izuku: 'how did it even come to this?'

izuku was sitting down at the cafeteria trying to eat his sandwich. and literally everyone was glaring at his direction. boys were ready to gang up on him, and girls were either pouting, glaring or smirking. honestly he was just sitting there eating his sandwich. thats all. except there was a girl sitting on his lap eating high protein chocolate bar he just made for her. and she was really enjoying it since she was kinda jiggling her legs in joy. what made it even worse for the boys is that the said girl was sitting on his lap while facing right. this forced izuku to hug her with his arm if he wanted to continue eating. and the said girl was somewhat hugging his arm while eating.

girl: "my god you two look cute. "

boy: "the height difference between those two terrifies me."


kiryuu: "calm down isana you will get your chance."

 isana looked away while pouting.

izuku: "so....... you like the bar?"

???: "yes. it tastes good. even better than the last one. thank you."

izuku: "well I am just glad that you enjoyed it."


izuku was back at school. yasaka and kunou went back to kyoto. kunou was sad but both groups knew they could just visit each other anytime so that cheered her up. the first day after the incident was rather noisy given how girls, after hearing from isana that he got hit by a car, were worried for him. he reassured them saying he knew what to do. and even gave them an example of how to handle such incidences. 

girl: "how the heck you are fine from that!?!?!?! you got hit by a car!?!?!?!"

izuku: "you know girls when you jump from really high you roll over to not break any of your bones?"

girl2: yeah?"

izuku: "getting hit by cars are some the same. how to put this as simple as possible...... when you fall, a lot of kinetic energy goes inside your body this is what is hurting you. and if the energy is big enough, you get hurt. you know the broken bones and all. to avoid that you need to distribute that energy by rolling. that way you came out fine. getting hit by a car is the same. you need a spot to roll and redirect the energy to make it less harmful."

girl3: "but how do you do it?"

izuku: "simple. you just jump as high as possible all the while curling up to a ball to role easily. by doing this, unless you are getting by a truck, you should be able to jump over the engine and get hit by the windshield. all windshields are designed to be curvy so if you get hit, you either break the wind shield or roll over it. both will reduce the impact damage you would receive otherwise. it will hurt but sure, but it will not kill you."

girls were looking at him in awe.......boys were jealous but even they couldnt help but to feel awe. after all they just learned a trick that could save their life at some point.

even more time passed and once again izuku was back at school, doing the usual. train, study, beat up bullies from other schools who came to kuoh to hit on or harass the girls, or thugs on occasion. 

now he was sitting on his desk waiting for everyone to arrive. he finished the criminals quick last night so he arrived to school early. and for some reason his mind went back to the time when he was with yasaka.

izuku: 'yasaka-san is a nice lady.'

allmight: "you know I always knew you had a thing for older women."

dragonmaster of kuohOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora