Chapter Twenty Five ~ The Truth

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'The last race of 2022.' Bailey states approaching me. 'We may not have won the championship but what a year we have had together.'

'It's been an eventful year.' I giggle picking up my helmet. 'But strangely one of the best years of my life.'

'I will drink to that later.' Bailey laughed. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Nadia rushing over to me.

'Viv, we need to talk.' She sighs 'It's urgent.'

'I am about to get in the car.' I point. 'Let's talk after. I'll buy you a drink.'

'Vivian.' She says 'it's about Charles.'

'Is he Dying?' I asked and she shakes her head at me, 'Is he hurt?' And she shakes her head again. 'Nadia. I love you but I want to get in the car to start the race. Whatever this is can wait.'

'Okay.' Is all Nadia can say as by this point I've put my helmet on and practically already in the car.


BS - That's P3 Today Vivian. Congratulations Vivian.

VM- Thank Guys. What an amazing first season this has been. Thanks everyone from the bottom of my heart.


'Vivian Monroe. What an exceptional year you have had. A big crash in Monaco. 2 fabulous wins one at Silverstone and the other in Monza.' The interviewer states. 'Taking the P3 place today, how does that feel.'

'Amazing. The only way is up now and I can't wait to come back next year and hopefully take a lot more wins to for the team.'

'Have you got anything planned for the Christmas break.' He asks

'Not much planned as of yet but we all know how that can change.' I giggle. 'Congratulations to Max and Charles on their podiums today.'

I stepped away from the interviewer and accidentally back up into someone. Someone being Charles. I quickly said sorry and went to walk away but something stopped me. Something being his soft lips crashing into mine forming a kiss, the familiar feeling of his lips on mine making me want more and more. I remember we were being filmed for the people watching at home and quickly pulled away. My cheeks were burning as I was struggling to think of a way to explain what happened there.

'Well, I don't think anyone was expecting to witness that today.' The interviewer laughed.

'I am so in love with you Vivian Monroe. I love you with every part of me.' Charles says holding my hand in his. I was too stunned to speak. This morning I was annoyed at him for always forgetting our plans to be with Mia, but right now he's made me forget all about her. All I want is for his lips to be on mine again, moving in perfect harmony. I couldn't speak and I am pretty sure my jaw was on the floor.

'Charles Leclerc. P2 today. Ferrari is P2 in the championship after today. How does that feel?' The guy asked

'It's not what we wanted we obviously wanted the be the Champions, but there is always next year. Red bull have been strong this year and we hope we can come back stronger.' Charles smiles and I stood next to him not entirely sure with what had happened in the last few minutes.

'Any plans for Christmas?' The interviewer asked.

'Making Vivian fall in love me.' He chuckled earning a laugh from the interviewer.


This all felt familiar. I was told to sit in a chair opersite Charles in a conference room Luca was sat next to him and Nadia was sat next to us.

Luca and Nadia were talking about how this was bad for both teams. Charles had ruined everything with his PR relationship. I wasn't listening. The world knew my secret. The world knew that Charles loved me. I was focused on the kiss. The way his lips felt. The way he held me. The way the kiss made me feel. The way he makes me feel.

'You are not even paying attention to anything I am saying.' Nadia snaps me back to reality.

'No I'm not.' I redirect my eye contact from the table to Nadia. 'Sorry.'

'I don't think Charles understands the damage this stunt has caused.' Luca states.

'All due respect Luca.' I start but the hesitate. 'I don't care about the damage.'

'And what is that supposed to mean?' Luca questions

'I erm. Well. Let's just say I also have feelings for Charles. I would say that I love him.' I say avoiding eye contact with all of them as I was ashamed to admit.

'But you are the enemies.' Luca exaggerates. 'You can't fraternise with the enemy.'

'Well Luca. I am sorry to tell you this, but I have fallen for the enemy.' I smile at Charles. 'I love you Charles. I should have told you sooner.'

'This is not good.' Luca frowns to Nadia.

'Oh have a day off Luca.' Nadia slams her hands down on the table. 'Have you never been in love before.'

'This is not about me. This is about them.' He points to Charles and I

'Let leave them to it. Who are we to stand in the way.' Nadia leans back in her chair. 'It's nothing to do with us.'

'He should be getting involved with the Enemy!' Luca spat. 'I was specifically tasked with making sure nothing was going to happen between them, hence his relationship with Mia.'

'The PR stunt?' I questioned him.

'Would we be treating this situation different if Charles had announced his relationship with another male driver, let's say Max for example. A red bull driver?' Nadia asked Luca

'Possibly.' Is the only thing Luca can say. 'I thought you was on my side here Nadia?'

'I am on the side of Love.' She nudges me. 'I am a sucker for romance.'

'Fine. Since there is nothing we can do now, you may as well continue as you were.' Luca collects his phone from the table. 'This won't last long. Don't say I didn't warn you.' He says taking his stuff and leaving the room causing quite a scene.

'Ignore him. He's probably sexually frustrated or something.' Nadia says earning a chuckle from Charles and I.

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