Chapter Twenty one - See you later

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My Grandpa had found out he had an incurable brain tumour at the start of the year. Unfortunately,they found it too late. Grandpa was given 6 months to live, which he had surpassed. My grandpa's wishes were that I wasn't to know as my career had kicked off. My grandma tried to convince him to tell me but he insisted on it being there little secret. My grandpa lost his battle on the morning of the 6th of September.

Charles had someone drive me home from the airport. Not like I was paying attention, I didn't stop crying once. I had made it clear to Nadia that I didn't want anyone to know until I was ready to talk about it. I knew had to go to Monza in a few days, it just wanted to be alone. I was distant with everyone.

My grandpa had already made plans for his funeral so it took place on the 8th of September. Many people who my grandpa knew turned up. I chose to say a few words at the funeral.

'My grandpa was the best person in the word. He was always there for me when I needed him the most. He was a father figure to me, someone I looked up to. He came from nothing and provided a life where we had everything. He changed some many peoples lives for the better and was such a generous kind man. I wish he would have told me about his diagnosis. I would have wanted to be there for him like he was there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on, a friend to cheer me up and when I needed a cup of grandpas special coffee.' Everyone laughed at that as I am sure 90% of the people in the chapel had tasted that greatness. 'He was a man of many talents, master of jokes and always had an entertaining fact for any occasion. I know he is no longer in pain. I know he isn't alone, he has been reunited with his daughter, my mother, after 11 long years of not seeing her face. He will be watching from above, most likely laughing at us for crying. It's not a goodbye, it's more of a see you later. I love you Grandpa, thank you for everything.' I wipe the tears from my eyes and I take my seat next to my Grandma and Hannah.

Outside the sun was shining and the birds were chirping away. My grandpa would have loved this. As the coffin was lowered into the ground we all placed a sunflower on his coffin as he would have hated the thought of us laying roses on his coffin. 'Roses are romantic not sad' he would have said.

We headed to his favourite pub for the wake. I wanted to go home and cry and be sick and crawl into a ball but I couldn't, he wouldn't have liked that. Towards the end of the night we raised a toast to celebrate my Grandpas life.

I drove my grandma back home afterwards with Lola and Hannah. I didn't want to go. I felt awful going. But Grandma said Grandpa wouldn't like if I was to miss Monza. He wouldn't like me to miss a race. Lola had agreed to stay with my Grandma whilst I was away, which I was really appreciative of. By 9pm I was i was on a flight to Monza with Nadia by my side.

How was I supposed to be happy when my heart had just been shattered?

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