Chapter Ten - Crazy Girl

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'Me?' Henry asked. 'What did I do?'

Charles looked confused. I snatched Henry's phone out his hand looking at his recent notifications, nothing. 'Unlock it.' I demanded and Henry did so, I clicked the message tab and scrolled nothing.

'Vivian what's wrong.' Charles asked but I pushed his arm away from me.

'Why are you here?' I chucked his phone at him.

'Lola called me and told me what happened. I saw the accident on social media. I take it you remember me?.' Henry said with a smile.

'Yeah but what are you doing here?' I asked again, staring him down with a cold look. 'How did you know where to find me.'

Henry didn't say anything. I pulled out my phone.
Games over come out - VM I pressed send and nothing happened. No ping, no vibration. Then after a few moments a ping went off in the distance. I followed the ping to the corner of the couch. I MacBook Air was placed there charging. I lifted the lid up and displayed on it was APRIL WALKER. Bingo I thought to myself.

Charles watch me pick up the MacBook and bring it over the table. Down the left hand side was my 2 recent text messages to X or should I say April.

'What was it you said Charles.' I look at him. 'If April was X, I would know?'

'You got your memory back?' He asked looking at me.

'I should go?' Henry said trying to leave.

'No you don't.' I snapped. 'Sit.' I told him and he did as I said. 'Carlos said he saw a dark tall man in a Ferrari top slip a note into your locker.'

'He did. You remember!' Charles smiles.

'I bet if I rewinded the cctv footage in the McLaren garage, I'd see the same man slipping a note into my locker. The same man who is sat in front of me.' I raise my eyes to look at Henry who now had rosey red checks.

He couldn't look at me. 'Yes and no.' He said directed to the floor. 'I slipped the note into the Ferrari garage and then April slipped the note into your garage.'

'You've been working together?' Charles questions Henry.

'Yes.' Is all he said.

'You've got a lot of explaining to do.' I snap.

'It was Aprils idea. April targeted Vivian and I targeted Charles. I had been sleeping with April since we got engaged. She told me about her past with Charles and I told her that I was worried about you working alongside Charles. I followed you Bahrain and we watched you from a corner in the club. I knew you had cheated before you even knew you had. I watched you kiss my fiance and I watched my fiance kiss you. Vivian's suitcase has an apple air tag in so I would know where she was heading. April slipped one into yours. When you came back from Bahrain you were so different. I didn't want to continue targeting you but you were cold with me and I knew you had fallen for Charles. I watched every race. I was there but you didn't know. Iknew where you were. I was controlling. The night you came home and found me and April was all staged. I didn't know you was going to come home and find us. She later told me she planned the whole thing . I came to Spain to try and make you come home with me. April is so madly in love with Charles. And even though, you don't love me I don't want him to break your heart. So I stalked you and I threaten Charles to do things or I'd tell Ferrari he had been sleeping with the enemy and they'd kick him out for that.' Henry explained. 'Her password is Charles Birthday.'

I moved aside and let Charles enter the pin and it unlocked. On there was photos of me and Charles that we didn't know existed. There was copies of our texts, our room numbers and our exact locations. 'I helped her because I was hurt. I only ever sent a few messages to Charles. April thought that if she interfered so much you'd be put off Charles's and you'd come home to me, but it made you closer. Anything that happened after the Spanish GP was nothing to do with me.' Henry concluded.

'Where is April now?' I asked and Henry shrugged his shoulders. 'I haven't spoke to her in a week, she's gone quite.'

'She on her way here.' Charles said involving himself in the conversation. 'She just texted me saying she is coming to get the rest of her stuff and then she's leaving.'

'I need you both to leave.' I say 'I want to be the one to do this.'

'But this is my house.' Charles reiterates like I didn't know.

'Go hide in a room or something. Just don't make a sound.' I said to them pointing to the stairs.

I sat at the table waiting for her to turn up. After 20 minutes she came.

'Charles.' She called closing the door behind her. 'I've come to get my stuff.'

'He's not here.' I say and April immediately turns.

'Vivian.' She gasps. 'What are you doing here?'

'Why? Why do this to me?' I ask.

'I - I don't know what you mean.' April responds clearly feeling a bit scared.

'Henry told me everything.' I say kicking a seat out and April sits 'not so bold without your trusty keyboard are you.'

'It was a joke.' She said quietly.

'I don't find this funny. I don't think being scared to sleep at night is funny. I don't think breaking and entering is funny and I don't find sleeping with my fiance funny.' I snap. 'I've sent myself a copy of all this work you've done. That's a lot of evidence. So I'll ask you once more. Why do this to me?'

April swallows. 'He's always liked you, Charles was always talking about you and how he'd love to meet you. How you was a role model to many people and he was a fan. Imagine your boyfriend being obsessed with another woman. He ended things with me the moment it was announced you were joining formula one. So I did my research and I found Henry. We hit it off and it wasn't long until we were sleeping together. I told Henry about Charles and I proposed a plan. I told him I was in love with Charles and he told me that you was the only woman he ever wants. We wanted to keep you far away from each other but it didn't work at all. Charles and I met up a few weeks ago and he told me how he felt about you. Everybody loves Vivian Monroe. I wanted to destroy you but I made you stronger.'

'You didn't do anything apart from make us miserable.' I say to her.

'What are you going to do with the evidence.' She questions quietly.

'I'm taking it to the police. So if I was you, I'd run. Far away and never involve me in your crazy life again.' I say pointing to the door. April grabs her laptop and leaves me in the dark.

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