Chapter One - Handsome Stranger

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'Radio Check.' I heard in my ear as I pulled my visor down

'Radio Check.' I repeat back to Bailey, my race engineer. 'That's the 5th time you've said radio check.'

'Sorry Vivian, I just wanted to make sure.' He laughs down the headset. 'So you are starting 12th. Good luck.'

'Thanks Bailey,' I chuckle back.

'Well done Vivian. 7th Place. Great first race.' Bailey congratulates me.

'Thank you.' I say feeling very proud.

I hop out of the car and head to speak to Lando.

'Great first race Monroe.' Lando high fives me as I approach him.

'Thank you Norris. Amazing performance from yourself.' I smile back at him, moving my hair from my face.

'I'll see you at the afters?' He asks and I nod. Henry said i should put myself out there more, that's the only reason I was going, because Henry said so.

I hopped on and off the scales, headed to the media showcase and then made my way back to the hotel. I glanced down at my phone and called Henry.

One ring. Two rings. Three rings. Decline

Strange, I thought.

I called him again. He answered on the 2nd ring.

'Hey Viv.' Henry answered, sounding very out of breathe. 'What's up?'

'Where are you?' I asked

'I'm at home.' He says, like i could read minds.

'Why aren't you here?' I asked feeling hurt he wasn't here to see me race.

'I watched you on the telly. Please don't start this with me again Viv.' He pleaded with me

'Where did I finish?' I asked knowing he was lying to me.

'Erm. ' is all he can find the words to say.

'Okay well, you are clearly not at home. You are at the gym. Talk later. Love you. Bye.' I saying hanging up the phone and sighing in frustration.

I hop out of the car and head to the entrance of the hotel completely engrossed in what's going on with my phone. Next thing I know I'm walking into the back of someone.

'Shit.' I say as my phone goes flying out of my hand onto the floor. 'I am sorry.' I say feeling like I want to die from embarrassment. I grab the phone and at the same time this person reaches for it.

'I got it.' He says handing it to me. I smile at him. I had lost my words.  He was a beautiful man. He was way taller than me. His physique was strong, he looked like he was a fit man. He had the most mesmerizing green eyes and the most enchanting dimples I had ever seen.

'Thank you.' I mumble, I was clearly blushing at the the sight of this man. Come on Viv, you are an engaged woman.

I turn to walk to the elevator but this man followed me. I was trying my hardest to play it cool. I pressed the elevator button praying for this elevator to hurry.

The door finally dinged and it was an empty elevator. Just me and the handsome stranger.

'Going up?' I ask, looking him in those emerald eyes.

'Yes please.' He flashes his dimples.

The ride to the 10th floor felt awkward, even though I had never spoken to this man before.

The lift stopped at the 9th floor and he moved toward the door signaling this was his floor.

'By the way.' He starts, making me look at him. 'You can do better than 7th.'

The Enemy (Charles Leclerc)Where stories live. Discover now