Chapter Twenty Four - The Realisation

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'Hi Charles it's me again, Vivian. We had plans this evening? You asked me to meet you in the Lobby at 8, it's now 9. Can you please call me back? Okay bye.' I say down the phone. This was the 3rd voicemail I had left him. I relaxed into the sofa and waited patiently. We had just finished the race this week in Austin and the end of the season was creeping upon us. Charles got 3rd place and suggested taking me out on a date afterwards. I knew he had media duties but he had not been responding back to me. I wasn't worried, i was just becoming impatient.I glanced back at the phone and realised he wasn't coming so I should save my embarrassment and head back to my room. He had stood me up. I wasn't surprised by this as this had already happened in Suzuka the other weekend.  I looked up to the automatic doors as that slid open, praying Charles would walk in. It wasn't Charles it was Pierre.

'You look a little different. Going on a date?' Pierre teased walking over to me.

'Supposed to be.' I retort looking at the time on my phone.

'How late is he?' Pierre questioned

'1 hour and 13 minutes to be exact.' I sigh

'And you are still waiting around for him to turn up?' Pierre raised an eyebrow at me.

'I know. I've been stood up.'I look down in defeat. I glanced over to the door and saw Charles walking through with Mia on one side of him and Carlos on the other.

'Charles!' Pierre shouted at him making him stop in his tracks and look at us. I wanted to disappear.

'Hey.' Charles said as he walked over to us. 'What are you guys up to?'

'I was jus-' I start but Pierre interrupts.

'Vivian has been waiting for her date to turn up. He is over an hour late. He must be a dickhead or something to stand Vivian up!' Pierre exaggerates. 'Look at how pretty she is, I am sure you can do some much better than the guy who stands her up.'

'Thanks Pierre for the hype.' I chuckle.

'Maybe he just got busy and forget all concept of time?' Charles tries to adds

'Or maybe he's just wasting my time.' I snap back getting up from my chair. 'Goodnight.'

'What do you mean goodnight? The night is young Vivian. Let's go party!' Pierre laughs and does dance moves.

'I don't feel like it. It's been a long day.' I say trying to let him down gently. 'See you guys around.'


~ My love, I am sorry.
~ I had completely forgot.
~ I had to go and do something in public with Mia
~ Please forgive me
~ Please talk to me.

~ Ok


~ I miss you

~ You will see me in Mexico

~ Come and Stay with me in Monaco

~ No thanks. Ask Mia? Your girlfriend?

~ Stop it Vivian
~ I miss you.
~ I want you


~ You barely stayed around in Mexico

~ Mia was with you the full time.

~ Come on.
~ You know none of this is real
~ You know you are the one I want

~ You have a funny way of showing it
~ Always with your fake girlfriend instead of your actual girlfriend
~ Actually no I am not your girlfriend
~ I will see you in Dubai.

~ But you are the one I want?

~ funny way of showing it Charles
~ Go play pretend
~ I really am not arsed anymore

~ I don't understand
~ You know the reasons on why I have to do this

~ Even if there is any chance of us having a future, I don't want to be sneaking around and being all secretive
~As much as it hurts to say this, maybe it is a sign we are not meant to be together Charl.


Simple and Effective

This is story is coming to an end soon and I am currently in the process of writing the last few chapters

Thanks for reading so far

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