Chapter Twenty - Bad Luck Charm

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The sun danced through the curtains. I woke up and was greated by a sleeping Charles. I tried to creep out of the bed without waking him but he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back to bed.

'Where do you think you're going?' He chuckled with his morning voice.

'No where. I am going no where.' I laugh back. 'How did you sleep?'

'The best.' He laughed as I reached for my phone. 'What would you like to do today?'

'I am not sure you can be my tour guide.' I smile softly and he plants a kiss on my cheek. I picked up the phone which had some how turned off. I really needed to get a new phone, it was always doing this.

Once the phone powered on, I receive about 100 notifactions.

Missed call from Lol🩵 (13x)
Missed call from Han💜(15x)
Missed call from Nadia (PR) (7x)
Missed call from Grandma (10x)

Call us as soon as you can

Viv, it's serious please call.

Nadia (PR)
Please call home. They are worried.

I pressed call on my grandmas contact. She hated using a phone so it must have been important. I stood up from the bed and began to pace the room waiting for her to answer.

'Vivian!' Grandma gasped as she answered the phone on the 6th ring.

'I am really sorry Grandma, I should have called and told you I wasn't going to be home until the weekend. It was really irresponsible of me and I apologise.' I say down the phone. Something didn't feel right.

'Vivvie sweetheart, where are you?' She asked down the phone, her voice is trembling

'I'm in Monaco, I'm visiting a friend?' I say 'Is everything okay Grandma?'

'Are you with that very good looking young man?' She asks

'Charles? Yes I am.' I say looking over my shoulder. 'Is everything okay at home, where's grandad?'

My grandma broke into tears down the phone. 'He's gone my love.' She cried down the phone.

'What do you mean?' I asked, my grandmas crying was causing my heart to break.

'He's no longer in pain my love.' She said crying harder to me

'Pain?' I said, 'He was ill?' I asked because I had no idea.

'He didn't want to worry you.' Grandma responded.



I watch Vivian end the phone call to her Grandma. I couldn't hear what they were saying as Vivian had walked away out earshot. The atmosphere in the room had changed.

'Viv?' I asked as I had realised the colour had flushed out of her face. 'You okay?'

She fell to the floor, hysterically crying her eyes out, gasping for air. I dived out of the bed to comfort her as she cried a river on my bedroom floor.

'He. Is. Gone. ' She gasped in between her words

'Who is gone?' I asked stroking her hair.

'My Grandpa is dead.' She cried harder into my chest.

'I am so sorry Viv.' I move her hair out of her face.

'He was ill and I didn't know!' She cried harder.


It was understandable Vivian wanted to go home and be with her Grandma. I sorted a plane out for her a made sure she had a driver waiting for her the moment she got off the plane. I drove her to the airport. We didn't talk much but it was okay because I understood her pain. I gave her a hug and waited for her to get in the plane. I wanted to go with her and be there for her but she had her friends and her family waiting for her and they know her better than me.

On the drive back home and I called Carlos.

'Hey mate.' He said as he answered the phone. 'You okay?'

'No.' I sigh. 'I am not.'

'What's happened mate?' He asked

'I was right. I am a bad luck charm.' I say wiping a tear from my eye.

'What do you mean? Are you talking about Vivian?' He asked

'Yes. We sleep together, we get stalked. I call her names, she crashes the car. I kiss her in the rain, I announce my PR relationship. SHE FLIES ALL THE WAY TO MY HOUSE TO TELL ME SHE LOVES ME, and this morning her grandfather passed away. I am full of bad luck.' I place my head in my hands.

'Wait. Mr Jones has passed away?' Carlos questioned

'He was ill. Vivian had no idea.' I say

'I am so sorry mate.' Carlos says.

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