Chapter Seventeen - Play Pretend

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Spa was a bittersweet race. Everyone knows what happened here at Spa. I hadn't spoken to Mia since our little argument in the cafe a few weeks ago. I didn't know if she still wanted to play pretend with me. It was Sunday morning and I hadn't seen her all weekend.

I looked over to my side and I saw Vivian laughing with Lewis walking down the pit lane. They were heading my way. It felt good to see her smiling for a change.

'Good Morning.' Lewis greets me as he gets closer to me and I great him back with a handshake.

'Hello.' Vivian smiles brightly at me. She looked different. Her hair was somehow more blonder. Her eyes were like crystals. She had a nice tan on her face and body. Her smile was genuine and she smelt like summer.

'How was summer break?' I asked them both.

'It was great. So relaxing.' Lewis says

'Mine was amazing, better than I expected all things considered.' She smiles

'What does that mean?' I ask softly and confused

'Well I was supposed to get married 3 weeks ago and I should have been on my honeymoon in Greece. But oh well I had a blast. Yachts, Parties, Memories made, a pretty good summer break if you ask me.' She giggles

'How was your break Charles?' Lewis asked me.

'It was alright.' I smile back to him. 'Lots of time spent with my family.'

'Well I'll catch you guys later.' He smiles running off to his garage leaving us alone together.

'So did you do anything interesting over the break other than family time?' She asks as we began to walk down the pit lane.

'Not really.' I sigh. 'You look great by the way. I feel like we haven't spoke in ages.'

'Well that's what happens when we do as we are told.' She giggles. Her laugh warms my entire soul. 'Thank you. You look great as always.' I caught her blushing when she made that comment.

'I was thinking about you over the summer break.' I blurt out.

'Okay...' she says, I could tell she was worried with where this was going

'Nothing bad. I just would like to get to know you better. There is so much we don't know about eachother.' I say stopping in our tracks.

'But don't you like it like that? It's more ........ mysterious.' She giggles again. She is definitely more giggly.

'I want to get to know you Vivian Monroe.' I take a step closer to her with a smile on my face.

'But you girlfriend-' she starts but I stop her, 'it will be okay she's not e-' but she interrupts me once again, 'no I mean, your girlfriend is coming this way.'

I look over my shoulder and see her approaching me, she looked pissed.

'Charles baby.' She says placing her arms around me. 'What are you doing? I've been looking all over for you.' Her touch made me feel cold.

'I'm just talking to Vivian. Can I come find you later on? I'm in the middle of something right now.' I try to say softly to Mia but as per usual, she ignore all my hints.

'Oh my goodness, you are Vivian.' Mia pushes me out the way to get to Vivian. 'Charles has told me so much about you.' She extends her hand for Vivian to shake, which Vivian accepts.

'Oh he talks about me?' Vivian Blushes

'Well not anymore, not since he found himself an upgrade.' Mia fake smiles Vivian, she was becoming hostile now.

'Upgrade?' I ask

'Oh we actually never dated. Just friends.' Vivian fake smiles her back. 'Actually I've just seen Lando enter the garage and my grandma has some stuff for him so I'll see you around.' She smiles quickly leaving us standing there.

'Oh my god I thought she would never leave!' Mia laughs as soon as Vivian enters the garage. 'She was a bit of a bitch.'

'The only bitch I see is you.' I spit coldly at her and walk away from her.


After the race, I was sat on my bed hovering over Vivian's contact.

Lying Leclerc
~ Hi, do you want to grab something to eat
- Also, why am I still saved as LYING LECLERC

Vivian Monroe changed contact to
Charles Leclerc🏎️

Charles Leclerc changed contact to

~ Cute
~ What is your girlfriend saved as then if I have a heart next to my name?

Charles Leclerc🏎️
~ Raging Rude Bitch

~ How romantic

Charles Leclerc🏎️
~ Food?

~ Yes please.

Charles Leclerc🏎️
~ Meet me outside the hotel in 15 minutes.
read: 20:10

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