Chapter Thirteen - Falling

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On Sunday afternoon Vivian Monroe in car number 66 won the British Grand Prix here at Silverstone. Starting from P5 she managed to secure the P1 position for her team McLaren. When interviewed after the race, she told her team that the race was dedicated to here mum who was sadly killed by a speeding driver 11 years ago. During the Monaco Grand Prix a the end of May, Monroe lost the power steering and usage of the breaks and ended the race in the barrier of turn 12. Medics were rushed to the turn where Monroe was knocked unconscious from the impact. She was rushed to the hospital and amazingly only walked away with only a fracture hit and temporary amnesia. Now the part you are all waiting for? HOW DID SHE THANK CHARLES? Well it no secret that the pair had spent the first part of the season being harassed by X, who turned out to be a mutual of pair. We can expect the 2 of them grew close after being targeted. In Monroes speech said 'I am thankful that had some amazing people around me after the crash, you know who you are.' It is rumoured that after Charles' home race, he didn't stick for celebrations, he in-fact drove to the hospital to be by her side. It also rumoured that Monroe stayed at Leclerc's house during the first part of her recovery. Vivian and Charles have not commented on the allegations made as of yet. McLaren has made the following comment on Monroes performance. 'WE ARE SO PROUD OF VIVIANS PERFORMANCE ON SUNDAYS RACE. WHAT AN AMAZING COME BACK FOR OUR ROOKIE.' Ferrari made a statement this morning regarding the allegations. 'RECENT ALLEGATIONS OF HAVE BEEN BROUGHT TO OUR ATTENTION REGARDING A MEMBER OF OUR TEAM. CHARLES HAS COME FORTH AND INFORMED US THAT THESE COMMENTS ARE NOTHING BUT FALSE. HE HAS STATED THAT 'IF YOU WERE MY TRUE FANS YOU RESPECT MY PRIVACY AND STOP INVADING MY PERSONAL LIFE.' We have been told that Vivian won't be making a statement on this matter as 'IT IS NOT WORTHY OF THE MEDIAS ATTENTION.' This raises the question of what is McLaren Hiding?'

I sighed reading the article Nadia had sent me. Truth be told, I was thanking everyone for their help. I have no idea how the media found out about the whole staying a Charles. I opened the chat.

Nadia (PR)
~ I have no idea how the media has caught onto this.
~ We can release a statement if you think it's a good idea.

Vivian Monroe
~ It okay. At least I'm not being slut shamed.
~ let's leave it for a couple of day and see where the media takes it.

Nadia (PR)
~ I think this would be the best approach.
~ Have you spoke to Charles?

Vivian Monroe
~ I was advised 'not to fraternise with enemy.'
~ No. I haven't spoken to him since Monaco.

Nadia (PR)
~ Maybe reach out to him and find out if he knows anything.
~ don't be overly friendly
~ Just ask the question and then leave it

Vivian Monroe
~ I don't know . According to Carlos he's going through so shit.

Nadia (PR)
~ so you heard the rumour

Vivian Monroe
~ I did.

Nadia (PR)
~ Maybe reach out?

Vivian Monroe
~ and go against what you told me to do?

Nadia (PR)
~ who am I stand in the way of love?

Vivian Monroe
~ I don't love him.

Nadia (PR)
~ Keep telling your self that.

I ended the coneveration with Nadia there. I looked at the time, it was 9pm. I had spent most my day at home with my family. I took Hannah Holly and Lola and baby Jessie out for lunch and then I spent the afternoon with Grandparents. They had currently gone to one of their friends house a few villages away. I laid in my childhood bedroom sighing at my self for what I was about to do. I clicked on Charles contact.

Vivian Monroe
~ Hey, are you free to talk?
delivered at 9:02pm
read at 9:03pm

I waited two minutes for a reply but it never came. That clearly meant he didn't want to talk to me.

  Vivian Monroe
~ Hey, are you free to talk?
delivered at 9:02pm
read at 9:03pm
~Sorry I forget it's an hour in front where you are. Sorry if I woke you up. Let me know when you have chance to talk.
delivered at 9:05pm
read at 9:06pm

I place my phone on the bedside table, turned off the light and slipped under the covers. I started to fall asleep the sound of the rain hitting the window. I was almost asleep and then my phone started ringing. It stopped before I could answer it. I flicked the light on and I saw the caller.

Charles Leclerc🏎️ ~ missed call at 9:37pm.

The call rang twice and then the call ended. Surely that was on accident. I had already messaged him twice and had no response, I didn't want to look desperate to Charles Leclerc.

I flicked the light off and got comfortable and decided whatever he wanted could wait until the morning. The phone rang again. Just once this time and then ended. I flicked the back on but didn't pick up the phone in the time. I let out a frustrated sigh and pressed the contact to call him back. But something stopped me.

Charles Leclerc🏎️
Come outside.

I looked outside into the rainy night to see a figure standing on the drive way. I jumped out of the bed, wrapping myself up in my pink fluffy dressing gown and the matching slippers.

I ran down the stairs to open the front door. There he was standing at the door. Dripping wet from the downpour. His clothes were wet through, sticking to his body. A smile appeared on his face when he saw me appear at the door.

'Charles' I start. 'Wha- How- why- what are you doing here.' I asked stepping out into the rain, to hear him better.

'I saw your video. You said that you lived in Yorkshire. The village only had 5 houses and a post office. Do you know how many villages only have 5 houses and a post office? I asked Lando and he told me that he didn't know where you lived. I called Lola and she reluctantly told me where you lived. I needed to see you.' Charles exhaled. 'I've been looking for you all day.'

'Why didn't you call?' I asked

'I did. I couldn't remember if Lola said 4 or 5.' He points to the door.

'Neither its number 3.' I look over my shoulder. 'What do you want Charles?'

He takes a step closer to me. He cups my face with his hands. He looked into my blue eyes searching for permission to kiss me, which they accepted. My breathing almost stopped when he rubbed his fingers on my cheek. His mouth parted and came crashing to mine. The kiss was hot but the summers air was cold. He kissed me with passion that I had never experienced in my life. Neither of us wanted to end the kiss but we had to pull apart to catch our breath.
Charles is the first to speak. 'I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't think when I don't see you. When I can think, you are all I think about. I need you in my life Vivian. I think I'm falling for you.'

'You know us being anything more then team mates would just cause more harm then good.' I sigh holding his hand in mine.

'Let's just take it slow?' He asked not wanting to sound too desperate.

'Can I think about it?' I ask.

'Of course you can my love, take as long as you need I'll be waiting for you.' He smiled planting a kiss on my cheek. 'Now can I please come in, I am absolutely freezing cold.'

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