Chapter Sixteen - Let Her Go

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The first half of the season was over. Now it was time for summer vacation. I had no plans really. I wanted to spend time with the people I love. The first week I spent at home with my grandparents. I visited my mums grave a few times to give her some updates. Towards the end of the first week, the verdicts of the court case had been given. Henry had been given an injunction to stay away from Charles and I. April had been sentenced to 6 month is prison as this wasn't the first time she had stalked a past lover. I had got a separate restraining order against her. To celebrate this, I rented a private yacht for a week in the French Rivera for Hannah, Lola and I. We spent our days soaking up the sun and drinking the nights away. During the 3rd week, I spent sometime with Lando as he was doing a couple of DJ sets and wouldn't let me forget that I heard him yet. During that time I also spent a lot of time with Max and even Carlos. Where was Charles during this? Presumably with his new girlfriend. Charles had become a face with a name after all this. Nobody had mentioned him so we didn't feel the need to discuss him.


I hated the thought of summer break approaching. I knew I wouldn't be able to see her sweet face for at least a month. I saw from her social media that she had been back home with her family and friends. I hated not being there with her.

'What's up with you?' Mia questioned me. She could probably tell by the frown I was wearing that I wasn't happy.

'None of your business.' I snapped back. 'When are you going home?'

'Jesus Charles you making it sound like you don't want me here!' She laughed back flicking through the newspaper. 'Let me guess, she's on your mind again.'

'She has a name.' I stood up from the table. 'You can leave now.' I walk to the door of a room

'You know you can't have her! She's the enemy Charles.' She called after me.


I wanted to call when I found out the verdict of the
whole X situation but something stopped me. I saw from social media that she was on yacht somewhere with Lola and Hannah. I knew I needed to let her go but for some reason I couldn't.

Mia was being persistent with other things, she really wanted to keep this F1 driver girlfriend theme going. I met up with Carlos and Max on the second week for some lunch. She insisted on coming.

'Why did you bring your girl to our boys lunch? Our girls aren't here!' Max asked when Mia excused herself to go to the toilet.

'Mate, she won't leave me alone. I have tried being nice. I have tried being mean but she doesn't take the hint.' I respond back. 'She is everywhere I go.'

'Your in love allow it.' Carlos laughed taking a sip of his coffee. If only he knew the truth.

'Hey baby.' Mia smiled sitting down next to me trying to kiss my check, which luckily I dodged, receiving a stare from Carlos and Max in the process.

'Maybe you should go?' I say looking at her. 'This is a boys lunch. Why don't you go shopping? Or whatever it is that you like to do?' I try to smile but she was pushing.

'No I'll stay.' She giggles trying to be all cute but she wasn't.

'He clearly doesn't want you here. I don't want you here. Stopping trying to tag along everywhere. The poor man feels like he can't take a shit without you being there.' Max steps in for me.

Mia places her drink back on the table. 'Are you going to let him, you friend.' She pauses to point at max, ' Talk to me, your girlfriend, like that?'

'Oh sweetie, I am not talking to you like anything. I am just saying what Charles wants to say to you. I am saying it because you don't listen to him.' Max continues.

'Shut up, I'm talking to my boyfriend.' I roll my eyes when she turns to look at me. 'Tell him to leave. I don't want him here.'

'What?' I look at her in disbelief. 'Mia. Nobody wants you here. Take your shit and go. There is no need to be rude to my friends.' I snap

'Wow. Really Mature Charles. Siding with your friends and not with your girlfriend.' She sighs

'Oh for fuck sake Mia.' I explode in my chair. 'You are not my girlfriend. It's fake. You know that and I know that. Stop acting like you are my girlfriend. Now take your shit and go away.'

'You wouldn't need a fake girlfriend if you stopped trying to fuck the enemy for a fucking second.' Mia snaps picking up her Prada bag from the floor.

'She isn't the enemy. I can't believe I agreed to be in a fake relationship with you of all people.' I say to Mia.

'Fuck you Charles.' Mia storm out of the cafe.

I place my head in my hands and sigh a couple of times. 'I am so sorry guys.'

'You need to do some explaining.' Carlos sips his coffee and Max nods

'Do you remember when that article came out that Vivian thanked me in her winning speech?' They both nod. 'Luca came to me and was going on about how this press is bad for Ferrari and he had been instructed to make this go away. The only logical way they could make that work would be to put me in a PR relationship. I felt so bad because literally 2 nights prior, I had practically confessed my love to her. I agreed to it because I didn't want to cause Ferrari any more problems. Vivian found out, I tried to tell her but she won't listen to me. I've hurt her. She won't even call me by my name and she won't even text me back.' I sigh messing with my glass of water. 'Sometimes I wish I never met Vivian, but she makes me happy, my heart feels funny when I see her. I just want to be with her but she hates me.'

'So you love her?' Max asks the question

'I think I do.' I sigh in defeat

'So I was right.' Carlos smiles wiggling his eyebrows

'I guess so. But I need to let her go.' I feel an uneasy feeling in my chest.

'Why?' They both gasp at the same time

'Because I've fallen for the enemy.'

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