Chapter Twelve - Pole Position

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Silverstone - Sunday 3rd July

Camera flashes followed me all over the paddock all weekend. It seems a I had gained a few new fans since my incident in Monaco. So many people had come to Silverstone to cheer me on. Once in my garage away from the Paps, I saw my grandma and grandpa chatting away to Lando.

'So I take it you have already met Lando.' I smile approaching there conversation.

'We have. Such a lovely young man.' My grandma said.

'Your grandma made me some cookies for after the race' he lifts a basket. 'I will leave you to catch up. Thanks again Mr and Mrs Jones.' Lando says with a bright smile.

'You look like you're more like your mother everything we see.' My grandma pulled me in for a hug and Grandpa nodded.

'Are you going to stay out of the barriers this week Vivvie?' Grandpa laughed when my Grandma had stopped suffocating me.

'I'm going to try.' I laughed back to my Grandpa but my grandma gave me a stern look. 'I'm clearly joking.'

'Right well, I can imagine with this being your first race back I can imagine you've got absolutely lots to do so we will be sat watching you.' Grandpa said

'We are so unbelievably proud of you Vivian. I wish your mother could see you.' My grandma said placing a kiss on my cheek.

Once my grandparents were out of the garage and headed to look at the livery for the car as I had missed the reveal due to being in court with the whole X situation. I stood there admiring the car whilst there were still several mechanics working away. That's when I saw him. When Charles walked past the garage, everything became slow motion. His direct eye contact with me was enough to make my whole world stop. We kept eye contact for a bit too long. Long enough for me to start blushing. Once he was out of sight, he quickly returned to being out of mind.

I headed to my locker. I looked at the time on the wall 2pm. One hours till race start and 45 mins until the national anthem. I began to slip into my race suit. I took my helmet and looked down at it. Bailey, I need to stand down. I can't overtake, something is wrong. BAILEY DO YOU COPY? Bailey? Tell my family I love them and I am sorry. You're just a slut. Maybe X is right. I hate you. I'll be damned if I through my seat away because of someone like you. Stay away from me Charles, I'm engaged. You're 7 years too late to make me change my mind.

'Viv?' A voice called snapping me out of my day dream. It was Lando, he was now sat next to me on the bench in the locker room. 'Did you catch any of that?'

'No sorry. I was in a world of my own.' I give a small smile.

'Media and Marketing think now is a good time to do a little QnA on Instagram before the race.' He said. 'I can do it on my own if you want?'

'No. Sounds good.' I sigh standing up to follow Lando.


'What's your relationship status?' I read the question out of the helmet.

'Single as a Pringle.' Lando says sassily 'Women hit me up.' He points to the camera. 'What about you Monroe.'

'Single as well.' I say. 'No body hit me up I'm doing a vow on celibacy.' I mimic Lando

'What's that?' Lando pulls a face and I respond I'll tell you later.

'Where is your favourite place in the UK.' Lando asked me

'Probably Yorkshire in the countryside because that's where I grew up.' I smile

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