Chapter 37

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Chapter 37:
Chapter name: How long?

I sat in my room for hours watching christmas movies with loki and his brother, yes Thor had decided to join us. I had to explain over and over the plot of each movie we watched, from ELF to home alone, rudolf, polar express, and the grinch stole christmas. I was deciding between the movie Spirited, and A Nightmare before Christmas. I sat staring at the tv. Looking between the 2 movies.

"Is somthing wrong" thor turns concerned.

'No' i sign. 'I just cant decide between the 2 movies' signing the last word with a huff. Loki translating both sides in between. I point to the 2 movies hopeing one of them would decide for me. I watch as loki grabs the remote from my hands and moves the curser over to nightmare before christmas. Typical. I roll my eyes and watch as it plays noticing a smile on Loki's face.

Snuggling close to him I lean my head on his chest. Half way through the movie my eyes grow heavy and I fall fast asleep to the vibrations of Lokis comforting heart beat.


I wake up to the feeling of lokis chest vibrations not from his heart beat but from his voice. Opening my eyes I lift my head from his chest andwatch as his and thor as talking about somthing I obviously cant hear. 'What is going on' I ask loki. 'Nothing darling, it is not important.' not beleiving him I watch the 2 of them only making out small words like; Wisty, Loki, Movies and poptarts. Like this was any help. I turn around, leaning against the window ceil. I watch as the cars race by. I try to imagine the way the cars make a machanical yet natural sounds as they rode past me. The sounds of the leaves rustling with the wiping wind. The creaks of the signs that hung from builds and shops. A small cold finger taps my shoulder. I jump and spin to turn and face loki. 'Come with me' he signs. I follow him out my bedroom door with a  pair of black leggings and a green sweater. He leads me down the hall and to the living room. I walk in and see the rest of the team sitting by the couches.

I feel footsteps walking from teh elevator to my left. Stopping with a hault I wait for the person to walk fully out of the familiar confines of the elevator. Tony stood looking tired and the bangs under his eyes made it worse. Slapping on his famous pair of shades i sprint and hug him tightly. The feel of his heart a similar one. The feeling of his voice in his chest is a low rumble. I feel him pull away for a moment and looks into my eyes. I look at his lips ready to read. 'It is almost Christmas, so I thought why not take everyone on a shopping trip to get gifts' Still not being the best at lip read I catch all but one word that makes my head rithe in confusion. Instead of the word trip I see the word trap. I tilt my head understanding what was going on but why trap. Looking at loki he translates and a 'o' shape is made by my mouth. Giggling I turn to Tony again and hug him tightly. He traps my shoulder signalling he is tapping out. I smile and the Avengers head to get their christmas gifts.

(sorry yall but the next couple chapters are going to be short. Because I am having writers block and cant think of anything. Sorry :) hehe. Also, sorry for not posting yesterday. I posted the other chapter just a minute ago.)

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