Chapter 30

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I switched the book cover to the picture the top. This is her actual hair, although if you go back to the other picture is what her hair was when she first arrived at the tower. But now since the party where her hair got changed back to normal. This is her hair. I hope you guys are enjoying. I am kind of getting some writers block so if you'll be patient with me and updating that would be amazing. I love you all!!!!!!

Chapter 30: Back on the job

The team had left myself and loki in the training room. Loki, not too far away, strode over to me, placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. I looked into his eyes, the eyes of this man were to die for, the emerald green was nothing but stunning. I was lost in them, I was so lost I didn't hear the words loki had spoke to me. I returned to the realm of the living and shook my head regaining my composer. Dont stare too long wisty, it is impolite. I reminded myself.

"Sorry I didn't hear you" I muttered, looking down so not to get entranced by his eye. Loki made a giggling type sound.

"I noticed, I was saying you were doing well. It has been a while since the accident and I am proud of your resiliance. I know nothing is going to be perfect but you and I will triumph" Loki looked at me with pride, love, and determination. Looking up to find him still staring at me made the cage of butterflies in my stomach go nuts. We stood there for a moment, before getting RUDELY interrupted by an alarm blaring though the tower. Him and I rushed up to the main floor where we hung out with the team to find them standing around the litchen Island, cups placed as weights on the corners to hold down the map in the middle.

Why cant we just use a digital one, tony is a genius like he could make a digital map like it was nothing. But I wasn't going to judge.......


...not too hard at least.......

Ok that was a lie i was going to but I would not say anything this time.
Walking over to the team I tried to scan everyones faces to see what was going on.

Steve, stood at the front of us, his expression serious as he explained the mission.

"Okay, team," Steve began, his voice carrying a sense of responsibility. "Intel suggests that Hydra has found an old facility, one we thought was lost. This place has records of our past missions, experimental tech, and possibly sensitive info about our strategies."

My eyes focused on the map, tracing the lines that marked our destination. The location was new to me, a hidden part of the world with a history tied to both Hydra and the Avengers.

"As you can see," Steve continued, pointing to the map, "this is our target. Wisty, your mind-reading and shadow-walking skills make you the right person to get into this facility. We need to know what Hydra is up to and if they've learned anything about how we operate." I had explained the new name for my powers and the abilities I had discovered while with hydra.

I felt a mix of excitement and tension. Steve's words echoed, and the responsibility settled on my shoulders. My mind raced with possibilities and the potential dangers.

"We think there might be friends within Hydra, people who are upset with their dark plans. Keep an eye out for any signs of internal resistance," Steve added, his eyes scanning each face around the island. "This mission is about more than just info. It's a chance to uncover Hydra's plans and maybe, just maybe, find a weakness."

His lectures were soooooooooo boring. I wanted to sleep. But knew it was important to listen, my worry growing at some of his words.

Steve continued explaining, I couldn't shake the feeling that this, would test us against Hydra and unravel mysteries of past events.

Vengeance.   LokiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang