Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: The Dream

(Italics are memories for now until I let you know -author)

I was three when they came for me.
The sky faded with the final shreds of daylight, vibrant oranges and pinks painted across the clouds. My mother held me tight as she watched the stars appear. Her warmth was all I needed, wanted. She rocked me back and forth on the rocking chair nestled in the corner of our spacious porch before our two story home. As we swayed, my mother hummed a lullaby. The simple melody transformed into a symphony as she sang. I was home, loved, safe.


Screaming, so much screaming.


My mother placed me in a bush, the leaves scratched at my arms and legs. Branches tore small holes in my clothes. I didn't like it here, why did Momma put me here?
"Momma!" I whined, reaching for her.
"Hush, darling. Stay here, play with teddy. He will keep you safe. I love you baby," she said soothingly. She kissed the top of my head and with a fleeting glance, she opened the door.
My mother, my home, my world, crumpled to the ground. A pool of blood surrounded her head in a halo of death and destruction.
Her head rolled to me as tears tumbled down her cheeks. Her eyes once so full of love and warmth faded, like the day into eternal night.
Two men crowded around Momma to survey their destruction.
"Momma...Momma..." I muttered. Why wasn't she getting up? Maybe if I yell louder...
The two men jumped but Momma remained motionless. Why wasn't she getting up?
"Shit, she had a kid?!"
One of them lifted a black gun and prepared to fire.
"Woah man, no. It's just a kid."
"Boss man said no survivors."
"He'll want this one alive. Who knows what she'll be able to do."
"True...," the man with the gun nodded. "Fine, put her in the truck, and keep her quiet."
The man without a gun creeped up to me.
"Hey, come on out. I won't hurt you."
I cried, frightened, as he came closer. I pushed myself further into the bush. I wanted my Momma. Why wasn't Momma getting up?!
"Momma! Momma!"
"I'm serious, if you don't keep that thing quiet I will!" Gun man shouted.
"I'm sorry about this kid," the man lunged at me and sank a small fuzzy cherry into my arm. My tiny eyes grew heavy. Everything faded into black.
My only paradise had vanished in a blink of an eye.

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