Chapter 36

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Chapter 36: Tony's pov

In the expanse of my lab, surrounded by the hum of machinery and the glow of countless screens, I embarked on a mission of a different kind. The team was out there, battling unseen threats, but my focus remained tethered to a singular purpose: bringing sound back to Wisty's ears.

It had been days since Wisty's world fell silent, a consequence of the battles we fought against Hydra. While the team pressed on with their missions; mind you it was not many missions, I secluded myself in the technological haven of my lab. Sleep became a mere suggestion, an inconvenience in the face of this.

My mind kicked into overdrive. The ceaseless whir of machines and the flickering lights of monitors became my companions in the quiet hours of the night. The lab's vastness echoed with determination as I delved into the intricacies of hearing aids, each device a promise to restore her hearing.

Wisty, almost like a kid to me, had locked herself in her bedroom, this fueled my tireless efforts. I wanted her to want to come out of her room and want to be in the team and I's company.
The lab, my sanctuary, filled with gadgets and suit, transformed into a workshop of hope. The rhythmic tapping of keys, the metallic clinks of tools, and the low hum of advanced machinery created a wave of familiar sounds, a testament to the ceaseless pursuit of a solution.

My hands, guided by both precision and purpose, meticulously crafted prototypes, over and over again. I sifted through the myriad of designs, pushing the boundaries of technology to create a set of hearing aids that would not only restore sound but enhance Wisty's auditory experience.

"Tony, your a genius, you have to keep going........for Wisty" I kept telling myself.

Days blurred into nights as I experimented with different materials, circuits, and algorithms. Sleep became an inconvenience, a pause in the relentless pursuit of a breakthrough. The lab's walls absorbed my whispers of frustration and echoed with the quiet triumphs of incremental progress.

Coffee was all I had, it kept me on track day and night. But those days and nights turned to so many days and nights that it had been a month then 2!

As each prototype took shape, I couldn't help but think about Wisty. How would she react when the sounds of normal everyday life returned to her ears?

Wisty's absence, in the lab was a stark reminder of the silence that enveloped her. The team, engrossed in their missions if they even had any, trusted my commitment to this singular cause. The only visitor to my technological cocoon was Jarvis, the AI I myself programed, monitoring my well-being with a detached concern.

I scavenged through every piece of technology at my disposal, repurposing and adapting existing devices to suit Wisty's needs. The amalgamation of wires, circuits, and minuscule components sprawled across my workbench.

The breakthrough came in the form of a revolutionary neural interface. It wasn't just about restoring Wisty's hearing; it was about giving her the second chance.

The testing phase was meticulous. I enlisted Jarvis to simulate various auditory scenarios, fine-tuning the neural interface to adapt to different frequencies and intensities. The lab, filled with my constant screams of frustration and my yells of success.

-So sorry I close last night and got busy and was unable to open my eyes. I fell asleep. So here is the chat from last night and I'll post the second one in just a minute for today.

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